So whenever I play a computer role playing game, its usual that I will create a girl character rather than a boy character because if i'm going to stare at a character for 50 hours or more, it might as well be a cute girl, right?
So when I pick a name its usually the name of a significant other, or someone I have a crush on, or just someone I wish I could bang. If you lined up all my RPG characters over the years it would look like a line dance of my various grilfriends, pretend girlfriends and wanna be girlfriends - but all with name spellings slightly different than normal to protect the innocent ("I am Ayrrikka the Somnabulent! Feel my wrath!")
Is this saying something deeply twisted or unsane about my personality? Do I really want to control my paramours - all for the purpose of having them run around and beat up people I don't like? Or is this all perfectly normal behavoir?
(Look for me as BrooklynBee on Gorgannash)
So when I pick a name its usually the name of a significant other, or someone I have a crush on, or just someone I wish I could bang. If you lined up all my RPG characters over the years it would look like a line dance of my various grilfriends, pretend girlfriends and wanna be girlfriends - but all with name spellings slightly different than normal to protect the innocent ("I am Ayrrikka the Somnabulent! Feel my wrath!")
Is this saying something deeply twisted or unsane about my personality? Do I really want to control my paramours - all for the purpose of having them run around and beat up people I don't like? Or is this all perfectly normal behavoir?
(Look for me as BrooklynBee on Gorgannash)

be here.