Today was the first day of the new job.
I need to get a car ASAP, as it stands now, it takes me almost two hours to get home. I wont be home before 9pm! I'm trying very hard to be optimistic here but... moan.
Oh I've been meaning to post this link here for awhile. Its really... sublime I think. I've always marveled at little things when I'm with someone - the flare of nostrils or how skin flushes, and this is the first erotica or porn that's reminded me that in the age of the hardcore.
I need to get a car ASAP, as it stands now, it takes me almost two hours to get home. I wont be home before 9pm! I'm trying very hard to be optimistic here but... moan.
Oh I've been meaning to post this link here for awhile. Its really... sublime I think. I've always marveled at little things when I'm with someone - the flare of nostrils or how skin flushes, and this is the first erotica or porn that's reminded me that in the age of the hardcore.
VIEW 4 of 4 COMMENTS what kinda car are you looking for? i have two. one i am going to sell and one i might consider selling.
no. i think i'll keep that one. the cj i am going to sell. not a great freeway driver, but 520 isn't exactly freeway driving is it?
ps. i'm working on a new drawing.