Go see Control Room. Its a better documentary than Mister M.M.'s film and more important. This seemed to me a worthy 4th of July activity while outside, people were celebrating our country by just getting loaded and blowing shit up.
The first family day was A-OK, but the second was asking too much. Maybe it was tainted by me throwing my neck out this morning. Oh I wish I had some pain killers.
Other than that, we have Kids in the Hall on DVD, Stella Artois and comic books. Read book one of the Invisibles and the first Peter Milligan X-Force compilation. Lucky me, huh.
Still wishing I were at Phoenix Fest or something though. Ah well, there's always another bacchanal around the corner (or so they tell me).
The first family day was A-OK, but the second was asking too much. Maybe it was tainted by me throwing my neck out this morning. Oh I wish I had some pain killers.
Other than that, we have Kids in the Hall on DVD, Stella Artois and comic books. Read book one of the Invisibles and the first Peter Milligan X-Force compilation. Lucky me, huh.
Still wishing I were at Phoenix Fest or something though. Ah well, there's always another bacchanal around the corner (or so they tell me).

Is Controll Room the one about the Al-Jezeer or whatever it's called? Invisibles rocks.