So this slab of metal and plastic wouldn't do a thing for about twelve hours yesterday. Push the power button, a light blinks and... nothing. Then my friend Brett comes over.
"Dude, my laptop just fucking died."
"What happened?"
"It just fucking died!"
"No idea what's wrong with it?"
"Check this shit out"
(pull the motherfucker out. Open. Press power.)
"Holy shit the fucker is working!!"
So I have a working computer. But who know for how long? I'll just have to savor every moment like it will be our last... oh my Faustyna. ("Do you love me?" "I love you." "Do you trust me?" "I trust you.")
Shit, I might need a date or something.
"Dude, my laptop just fucking died."
"What happened?"
"It just fucking died!"
"No idea what's wrong with it?"
"Check this shit out"
(pull the motherfucker out. Open. Press power.)
"Holy shit the fucker is working!!"
So I have a working computer. But who know for how long? I'll just have to savor every moment like it will be our last... oh my Faustyna. ("Do you love me?" "I love you." "Do you trust me?" "I trust you.")
Shit, I might need a date or something.