So tonight I'm off to NYC. Be ready and let the damn snow melt!
One other thing I'm doing is contributing the odd news story to the site tech section. Handed in a piece last week about the upcoming Seven Samurai game, and there may be a new bite up later today maybe. Trying to sharpen the editorial skillz and do something minorly constructive in between learning Flash and playing a boatload of KOTOR and Silent Hill 2.
Man, I'm glad I will be in NY in a night. This ridiculous DORK phase must end stat.
One other thing I'm doing is contributing the odd news story to the site tech section. Handed in a piece last week about the upcoming Seven Samurai game, and there may be a new bite up later today maybe. Trying to sharpen the editorial skillz and do something minorly constructive in between learning Flash and playing a boatload of KOTOR and Silent Hill 2.
Man, I'm glad I will be in NY in a night. This ridiculous DORK phase must end stat.
now that i know about WiFi at ace..
sidewalk 2-4-1 vs dorking out at ace?
hmm tough call.
who needs food anyway?