OK lets see what's been going on? well my birthday has gone by i had a good time some friends came over and we had some fun i don't get to see much of them anymore so i was glad they came by, and lets see oh my other good friend she sent me a Bettie page card for my birthday i have it tucked into a framed coop print i got lol she really knows the way to my heart i always look forward hearing from her. it's kinda funny if i would have never met her i would be totally different person i think i would not be into the music i like have the friends i have now ,it's amazing that one person can impact your life and they prob. don't even know. Well my father still has not called me to say happy birthday its been almost a week so im not really upset or surprised im really just eeehhhh about it but then we went almost 6 months without talking so i'm really just numb to the whole thing. But all in all i had some fun, though my best friend his birthday is the same day as mine i did do something bad i guess i sent him sin city and he has gone nuts over it he has got the Marv hair cut now and wants a trench coat lol i should not encourage the guy like that! i bet his wife wants to smack me in the head with a pan she has enough to deal with. lol So he asked me what i want and i go and list off a bunch of bands i would like CD's or vinyl of there really obscure bands, one of them was peter and the test tube babies and so he goes to the CD store and asked the lady ''hey you got peter and the Dick heads?'' she looked at him like what the fuck? he said he felt like an ass. lol well my trip to Texas is coming up i hope i have some fun this time im looking forward to going i really miss it sometimes it's home i guess. So here's my bummer thing of the week i was saving my money up for an electric guitar and amp i thought it would be fun to learn a few cords for fun i have been asked by 2 diff people if i play they where looking for band members I think one was punk/hardcore the other was Oi. but lo and behold I got my deposit from my apartment and I had enough but I got my car inspected and now I have to buy 2 new front tires to pass! There goes my cash hell easy come easy go I guess. So yea that's it I guess time for bed it's been a long night working with the idiot's.

I don't have anything that I necessarily specifically like about celtic history...it's just interesting in general...I do like this it's my history in a way, at least part of it.