So i go to Walmart to pick up some crap for my move to town and i see my cuz there so i call him over and we talk and catch up a bit so we say our stuff and joke and it's time to go so as im about to get in my car he pulls up and goes hey come here so i head over and he says so you did not notice huh im like wha? and he lifts his jacket to show a shoulder holster with a 9mm in it lol and then he shows me a 22 pistol under the seat with about 6 diff clips for it and the 9mm so im like what the fuck is going on around here? but he got his license so he can have it but it's kinda weird it's not like its the old west around here it's prob. some male ego thing heh! to make up for some short coming's

hehe sounds like you were a bit freaked lol i wouldda been.