today I went to the beach and out of nowhere a fog bank rolled in I was so happy it was perfect for me I didn't burn it was drab and the sun tan skin cancer people where bummed out all I needed was the sea gulls to be crows and I would have had a perfect time.
I see why people say im like one of the Addams fam. took my dad to the bar tonight he is visiting it was uncomfortable silence for a few hours I wish the cute girl who talks to me would have come by so he could see im not a loser like he thinks i am.

I see why people say im like one of the Addams fam. took my dad to the bar tonight he is visiting it was uncomfortable silence for a few hours I wish the cute girl who talks to me would have come by so he could see im not a loser like he thinks i am.

I wish a cute girl who wasn't already sleeping with someone else or gay would bother TO talk to me.
And actually get past hello or boring idle convo to make herself feel at ease for pitying the wierdo
good luck with her man
thats ok. i think myself more a loser than most others do
i'm fairly certain that you are likely pretty cool ^_^