Saturday Jun 17, 2006 Jun 17, 2006 0 Facebook Tweet Email yea im fucking drunk went to the bar again some gilr told me shes going to ge tme laid lol yeaye ayea promises promises, fuck i hope i dont have a hang over! yuriel: I gave up myself. Good luck man. Hey at least you can get drunk. I'm lonely in a way only an actually attractive female can fix. Too bad theyre always too young stuck up or doing someone else hehe <3 hope you drank some for me too and didn't have too bad a hangover. hah! Jun 23, 2006
Good luck man. Hey at least you can get drunk.
I'm lonely in a way only an actually attractive female can fix. Too bad theyre always too young stuck up or doing someone else
hope you drank some for me too and didn't have too bad a hangover. hah!