OK time for an update the computer still will not let me see comments make comments or see the groups things which really sucks. i really miss my groups now but what can ya do moneys tight and i gotta make due. lets see spring is here i guess my buddy called me drunk last night he was having a party i wonder how many fights he got into lol last time some emo kid made him spill some of his beer and he said watch it and the kid slapped his had trying to be cute so my friend grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into a wall and was grabbing for a knife to stab that guy! But he lost it somewhere and just gave the guy a beating. Yea he's an angry drunk lol last time I was with him I feel asleep on the couch and I was woke up with him and a 22 revolver going off in the house lol he got pissed and got his gun and shot the floor but boy did I jump up off the couch!!!!
anyway enough of that same shit diff day here i really miss Texas still painfully single i don't know i just need a change. had a lot of drama with my new car but that's done with and im taking a break off of myspace for a few days. wow i love this satellite radio theirs this lady giving therapy to a guy who likes to have girls vomit on him lol
takes all kinds i guess lol
anyway enough of that same shit diff day here i really miss Texas still painfully single i don't know i just need a change. had a lot of drama with my new car but that's done with and im taking a break off of myspace for a few days. wow i love this satellite radio theirs this lady giving therapy to a guy who likes to have girls vomit on him lol

wow thats scary about the dude.........
fuck the south
and i hate being single too -sigh
i reallycould use the change of pace as well