So im in Texas right now, and boy do i have another story what a fucking week so i get to the airport and they said my plane is late but i have a solid 15 min to get to my other gate which is close to the one im going to so i call my mom to tell her about what's going on and she i have no idea why starts freaking out that i should be pissed off that i might miss my plane and they should do this and that i think i was more pissed at her than the ticket people she really needs to read that book the Dali lama wrote about how to get along in life because i was so embarrassed people could hear her though my cel and all i wanted was her to pass on my message to my ride in Texas. so i chance it and get on the plane and i know im going to run faster than a jack rabbit on pcp to the other gate. so yea i think you know where this is going as the plane is pulling up i see we are a little late and im about to leave when the Capt says the last plane to Dallas has gone i was like aaahhhhhh fucking shit!!! so i go to the ticket people and they said the next plane is going to be at 745 in the am and that there's no hotels because of nascar so im stuck in Charlotte north Carolina from 915 to 745 lol god i was bored i drew till i wore down my pencils i talked on the cell till i ran out of juice lucky i know night owls i talked to my friend till 2am when my cel cut off and called my buddy in Florida and said im stuck and i need a ride home he was like yea where you at and i said north carolina he's was like ok what the fuck you doing there! and i explained and we had a good laugh. so yea i got flooded evacuated and stranded in a strange city all in one week i think karma owes me one and i should have some fun real soon!!!!!!

thx for concern and such hehe
wow what an experience eh bro
best luck to you and have fun!