because im a coward I lost the chance to be with the most amazing women I have ever met at least I could have tried but now she's getting married and im alone I deserve to be alone.
being away from work for a whole week has done so much for my out look on life im so happy that I dont have a job to go to and I take time to just do little things that make life fun, now I see my whole problem I hate working and it bum's me out too bad I like money too eeehhh what... Read More
im am so tired today! I went to my first pagan festival I didn't know what to expect but I had a good time listened to a bunch of people speak got some supplies and what not, I kinda felt like I was out of place a bit next time I think I should smile more I guess? anyway's did another painting its all done... Read More
not much going on working on my anime paintings and drawings did a koi fish one and some of my friends and what not. works work, been nerding it up in the comic shop gotta love a place where you can get zombie books toy's and old records.