I'm high, not on life, paint fumes perhaps. Gwen and her best friend bought a house in Felton (mental note: it is sometimes a lot easier to get a home loan if you're an independent business owner). We got the body color done yesterday. Now its trim.

When I ever get a hold of a digital camera I'm going to put up some of the...
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I think anyone who needs to think up a new spelling for an otherwise perfectly fine word needs to get their head checked.
When it comes to birth men need to butt the fuck out!

Serendipity [Gwen's horse, not the totally hot woman on this site. Serendipty is a totally awesome Morab mare.] is pregnant. She went in for a routine vet check. Chuck decided to give this junior vet some practice. Well, when this junior vet, you guessed it, had his hand up Sera's ass (He was...
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frown What an awful story about this vet.
Im glad everything is looking okay now.
This is my first journal entry and I can think of nothing to start out with, so I'll whimp-out and use a formula. At the end of Inside the Actors' Studio James Lipton always asks his guests the same questionaire. Its a pretty good one.

1. What is your favorite word?

2. What is your least favorite word?

3. What excites you spiritually, emotionally, mentally?...
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Favorite word? Hi.

Least favorite word? Rape.

What excites me? Good conversation.

What turns me off? Loud people.

What sound or noise do I love? A woman coming.

What sound or noise do I hate? People arguing on the street.

Favorite curse word? Goddamnit.

What profession would I like to attempt? College professor.

Would never want to do? Parking Enforcement Officer.

Who would I put on our money? Fredrick Douglus.

What plant, tree, or animal? Raven

How would I spend my last 24 hours? I'd throw a party for my family and friends.

What would I like to here God say? I'd like Him to answer some of my questions.
2. none come to mind
3. a good shag
4. men's thongs
5. bottles clinking
6. kids whining
8. hairstyling!
9. accounting
11. narwhal!
12. cowering
