Hmmmmm ... how can I put this nicely ...
FUCK BUSH and all his lying, thieving, murdering, mother-fucking, greedbag, asshole buddies. This includes but is not limited to the propoaganda machine .. aka what used to pass as the objective, fact-reporting media.
Sincerely ....
95% of the living organisms on this planet.
p.s. if you have to go to the bathroom you goofy, immature, braindead, shit-puppet ... then go!!!!! We all know you have the mental fortitude of a lobotomized dung beetle, but must you prove it every time we see your plasticized shit face plastered across the screen??
Fucking hell ...
FUCK BUSH and all his lying, thieving, murdering, mother-fucking, greedbag, asshole buddies. This includes but is not limited to the propoaganda machine .. aka what used to pass as the objective, fact-reporting media.
Sincerely ....
95% of the living organisms on this planet.
p.s. if you have to go to the bathroom you goofy, immature, braindead, shit-puppet ... then go!!!!! We all know you have the mental fortitude of a lobotomized dung beetle, but must you prove it every time we see your plasticized shit face plastered across the screen??
Fucking hell ...

i will of course be there next week and we will have a party even larger than the one that we`re having this week.
it will be fabulous.