Fuck fuck shit ......
I am gonna go berzerk ... seriously .... I mean ... crazy was fun ... yeah no one expects too much from the crazy girl other than ... well ... craziness ... now insane was even better cause you can do whatever tha fuck you want and no one even blinks an eye or questions you .. cause you're .... insane. But a complete freaking descent into berzerkdom is something altogether different. Gone are the days when I could sit happily in my crazy zone and mutter and curse the particles of existence. Now I will fester and boil in a state of complete chaos and destruction and smash all that enters into my personal sphere.
I guess that's what weeks of back breaking physical labour without pay will do to a person already walking a very thin line between acceptable mental instability and full on Tyler Durdenism.
Ah well .... I can always run away and join the circus. Sure ... why not ... I can fly on a trapeze or grow a beard ....
I am gonna go berzerk ... seriously .... I mean ... crazy was fun ... yeah no one expects too much from the crazy girl other than ... well ... craziness ... now insane was even better cause you can do whatever tha fuck you want and no one even blinks an eye or questions you .. cause you're .... insane. But a complete freaking descent into berzerkdom is something altogether different. Gone are the days when I could sit happily in my crazy zone and mutter and curse the particles of existence. Now I will fester and boil in a state of complete chaos and destruction and smash all that enters into my personal sphere.
I guess that's what weeks of back breaking physical labour without pay will do to a person already walking a very thin line between acceptable mental instability and full on Tyler Durdenism.
Ah well .... I can always run away and join the circus. Sure ... why not ... I can fly on a trapeze or grow a beard ....

I am SO addiccted.