Sooooooo yeah ....
Me again ... a few things to tell. This is gonna sound weird, but then again most of what I write is weird. I guess weird is what weird writes, or does ... something like that!!!
Anyhooooo ... I have quit the fancy professional job and come clean to all family and friends on my escapades over the last few years (including those that involved public nudity!). Luckily I am mostly an orphan and the family I do have is far far away and cares not if I prance naked in the streets!!
See, a real ninja knows that it is never a good idea to keep skeletons in the closet, especially when planning to do battle. Harboring secrets that can be used against you is counter-productive to the cause. Therefore the dirty laundry is out and a new plan has emerged. I am about to focus on my favorite past-time, writing, and turn it into a very interesting and lucrative deal. I can't give away too many other details other than to say that all the fake martial arts "masters" (i.e. poseurs and charlatans) should humble themselves now, or be humbled by the written word later. I've seen a few too many people trying to pass themselves off as the Fist of Legend, when they are really nothing more than the Prodigal Son. Just as sporting a few tattoos and a studded belt don't make you a punk, and wearing a Che shirt don't make you a revolutionary, wearing silk pajamas and watching a lot of kung fu movies don't a martial master make.
Now the above certainly doesn't refer to anyone here in this little community. I love my friends here and think you are the coolest, and just cause I suck at this whole communication thing doesn't mean I don't love you all the same. I will try to keep in better touch, perhaps it will be easier without the job? I still don't have a computer, but I will try and be a better friend.
I have to say again ... Lavonne is one of the most talented artists I have ever met so I will continue to pimp her skills again and again .. she is cool and sweet and I truly respect her a ton. I am thankful to her for putting me on here with her fancy photo skills ..
Mad Seska love to all ... till we meet again!
p.s. anyone who left me a comment on my last blog is the bestest ... all my fave people to be sure. You rule and I love you a TON!!!!!
Me again ... a few things to tell. This is gonna sound weird, but then again most of what I write is weird. I guess weird is what weird writes, or does ... something like that!!!
Anyhooooo ... I have quit the fancy professional job and come clean to all family and friends on my escapades over the last few years (including those that involved public nudity!). Luckily I am mostly an orphan and the family I do have is far far away and cares not if I prance naked in the streets!!
See, a real ninja knows that it is never a good idea to keep skeletons in the closet, especially when planning to do battle. Harboring secrets that can be used against you is counter-productive to the cause. Therefore the dirty laundry is out and a new plan has emerged. I am about to focus on my favorite past-time, writing, and turn it into a very interesting and lucrative deal. I can't give away too many other details other than to say that all the fake martial arts "masters" (i.e. poseurs and charlatans) should humble themselves now, or be humbled by the written word later. I've seen a few too many people trying to pass themselves off as the Fist of Legend, when they are really nothing more than the Prodigal Son. Just as sporting a few tattoos and a studded belt don't make you a punk, and wearing a Che shirt don't make you a revolutionary, wearing silk pajamas and watching a lot of kung fu movies don't a martial master make.
Now the above certainly doesn't refer to anyone here in this little community. I love my friends here and think you are the coolest, and just cause I suck at this whole communication thing doesn't mean I don't love you all the same. I will try to keep in better touch, perhaps it will be easier without the job? I still don't have a computer, but I will try and be a better friend.
I have to say again ... Lavonne is one of the most talented artists I have ever met so I will continue to pimp her skills again and again .. she is cool and sweet and I truly respect her a ton. I am thankful to her for putting me on here with her fancy photo skills ..
Mad Seska love to all ... till we meet again!
p.s. anyone who left me a comment on my last blog is the bestest ... all my fave people to be sure. You rule and I love you a TON!!!!!

You could totally replicate a Sophia Loren photo.
That's what I think.
And good for you grinding those skeletons into powder and hurling them into the wind....only to have the wind shift and blow dirty old skeleton dust in your face and hair.