Ummmmm high? Not yet. Fucking hell
So by now it is obvious that I am seriously update challenged. Thats what you get from a reclusive, social outcast (by choice of course : P) who loves nothing more than altering her state of consciousness and trying to attain powers of an extraterrestrial and supernatural nature. Did I mention that I am somewhat of a freak? Ooooh I can just hear the gasps of amazement now .. kind of like when Marges sister came out of the closet.
Does this mean I love you all any less hell NO! Without the likes of cool and similar-minded friends like yourselves, I would have strapped myself to a set of explosives and parachuted on to the top of whatever building the repuglicans happened to have their most recent convention in. Now dont turn me in as a suspected terroriste just yet. This vendetta of mine is far from over and the death wish list just keeps on growing. One day it is entirely possible that I will finally be able to manipulate the space-time continuum ala Lovecraftian design. Then the hateful fuckers best watch theyselves because I plan to unleash an unholy vengeance on the lot of them.
Hmmmm less psychotic updates needed me thinks .
My room-mates are driving my dog and I INsane (I mean insaner is that a word?). Yeah waking up to them yelling and swearing in a drunken fit is not my idea of domestic bliss. Only 18 more days till I move out and cage the Mad Monkey out in BC so that he can start hitting the MMA circuit and kick some serious ass. Ill miss that angry fucker, but then again I might not. Isnt life grand???
Ive been meditating like a fiend and feel I am closer than ever to opening that elusive third eye that sits somewhere right in front of the ol pineal. My sense are so sharp, I can barely stand the constant motion out of every corner of my eyes and the continual sounds of life that vibrate in and out of my head. Im starting to see and hear things no one else notices. Id think it was creepy if I wasnt so excited about it. While walking the weed dog last week, I started to freak out at the rumbling sounds exploding out of the sky. Mad Monkey said .. its only dee plane boss, dee plane but I knew better. To my ears it sounded as though the sky were about to split open .. and about three hours later it did, complete with a lightening strike on a house a few neighborhoods away.
Ive even started a new form of training that involves sequestering myself in complete darkness and sensory deprivation. The idea is that after an indeterminate amount of time, you begin to see clearly through the blackness, using long forgotten portions of your mind. To tap that extra 90% of my mind and use it in ways only Lovecraft and quantum physicists could imagine, that is my ultimate goal.
Now to whomever sent me the lovely Where the Wild Things Are book I love so much you fucking rule and I cannot thank you enough, but Ill try would a new photoset with said book maybe do the trick? I thought so . Hee hee! It is such a wonderful feeling to receive gifts from such amazing people. I am still reading the last gift I received, yes KW you know who you are and I am blowing kisses your way. You both fucking rock and I am ever so thankful for the kindness you have shown me. I know I am elusive and spend long periods of time in weird hermitage, but thank you for accepting me and treating me as though I am not a complete jackass.
To Lavonne whom I adore I plan to spend more time actually leaving my house in the next few months and would love to hang out and maybe even shoot more sets with you whenever you have time. There is such a cool SG group here in Alberta and I have not had a chance to enjoy it stupid me. I plan to change all of that very soon yes I am practicing my social skills so that I can successfully re-integrate with society (or certain cool members of it at least). Better lock up those pill cabinets people!!! Hee hee .
OK .. sorry for the long-winded post. Ill try to be a little more regular (isnt there a herb for that?).
With love, weirdness and undying affection for you ALL Seska say bye bye now!
So by now it is obvious that I am seriously update challenged. Thats what you get from a reclusive, social outcast (by choice of course : P) who loves nothing more than altering her state of consciousness and trying to attain powers of an extraterrestrial and supernatural nature. Did I mention that I am somewhat of a freak? Ooooh I can just hear the gasps of amazement now .. kind of like when Marges sister came out of the closet.
Does this mean I love you all any less hell NO! Without the likes of cool and similar-minded friends like yourselves, I would have strapped myself to a set of explosives and parachuted on to the top of whatever building the repuglicans happened to have their most recent convention in. Now dont turn me in as a suspected terroriste just yet. This vendetta of mine is far from over and the death wish list just keeps on growing. One day it is entirely possible that I will finally be able to manipulate the space-time continuum ala Lovecraftian design. Then the hateful fuckers best watch theyselves because I plan to unleash an unholy vengeance on the lot of them.
Hmmmm less psychotic updates needed me thinks .
My room-mates are driving my dog and I INsane (I mean insaner is that a word?). Yeah waking up to them yelling and swearing in a drunken fit is not my idea of domestic bliss. Only 18 more days till I move out and cage the Mad Monkey out in BC so that he can start hitting the MMA circuit and kick some serious ass. Ill miss that angry fucker, but then again I might not. Isnt life grand???
Ive been meditating like a fiend and feel I am closer than ever to opening that elusive third eye that sits somewhere right in front of the ol pineal. My sense are so sharp, I can barely stand the constant motion out of every corner of my eyes and the continual sounds of life that vibrate in and out of my head. Im starting to see and hear things no one else notices. Id think it was creepy if I wasnt so excited about it. While walking the weed dog last week, I started to freak out at the rumbling sounds exploding out of the sky. Mad Monkey said .. its only dee plane boss, dee plane but I knew better. To my ears it sounded as though the sky were about to split open .. and about three hours later it did, complete with a lightening strike on a house a few neighborhoods away.
Ive even started a new form of training that involves sequestering myself in complete darkness and sensory deprivation. The idea is that after an indeterminate amount of time, you begin to see clearly through the blackness, using long forgotten portions of your mind. To tap that extra 90% of my mind and use it in ways only Lovecraft and quantum physicists could imagine, that is my ultimate goal.
Now to whomever sent me the lovely Where the Wild Things Are book I love so much you fucking rule and I cannot thank you enough, but Ill try would a new photoset with said book maybe do the trick? I thought so . Hee hee! It is such a wonderful feeling to receive gifts from such amazing people. I am still reading the last gift I received, yes KW you know who you are and I am blowing kisses your way. You both fucking rock and I am ever so thankful for the kindness you have shown me. I know I am elusive and spend long periods of time in weird hermitage, but thank you for accepting me and treating me as though I am not a complete jackass.
To Lavonne whom I adore I plan to spend more time actually leaving my house in the next few months and would love to hang out and maybe even shoot more sets with you whenever you have time. There is such a cool SG group here in Alberta and I have not had a chance to enjoy it stupid me. I plan to change all of that very soon yes I am practicing my social skills so that I can successfully re-integrate with society (or certain cool members of it at least). Better lock up those pill cabinets people!!! Hee hee .
OK .. sorry for the long-winded post. Ill try to be a little more regular (isnt there a herb for that?).
With love, weirdness and undying affection for you ALL Seska say bye bye now!

Do your self a favor and go to Rogers video and look in the foreign section for Samurai Fiction. It's a newer flick, but still wicked.