So I fully fucking suck in the update department .. ... but .. hear me out before you decide to kick my ganga-loving ass to the curb .. I finally have something to update y'all with!!!!! Here's the skinny .. or should I say ... fatty .. hee hee!
I am just now recovering from a terrible illness from the depths of germ hell. Yes I really do have cooties so just be thankful you don't have to share a living space with my sick ass (and other parts as well - yuck!). Have you ever pissed out of your ass for weeks straight?? Been scared as hell cause you haven't pissed through the regular channel for days? How about not being able to keep down water?? Yes, yes and yes for me ... being sick really fucking sucks!!! But please take my word for it on this one .. I haven't been this ill since the fuckers at Red Lobster poisoned me with Ecoli many many moons ago. So yeah .. here's to shitting real shit and pissing out the proper hole!!!!
Now for the not so digusting update ....
I finally got the oh so professional job and the uber cool house. Too bad they aren't even in the same province. Yes I get to work my ass off in this fucking city while Monkey gets to go swing from the trees of our very own house out in the mountains. Sucks yeah ... but the ninja plan is still going down .. just might take a year or so before I can get my ass out there and start building and training the clan myself. Never fear .. you are all invited to join!
In the book department I highly recommend my newest acquisition .. it's a slightly oldie but a goodie .. "Bomb the Suburbs" by William Upski. If you can find it .. read it!
Now I have to eat some shit and apologize for not living up to a commitment I made to a a very cool SG. Demonika .. yes I suck ... I was called out of town at the last minute for a work appointment and didn't think they would let me off the hook to strut my stuff at the uber wicked Show of Horrors. I would have rather been strutting my stuff .. believe you me. Sorry nonetheless and yes I am fully admitting to my complete and utter suckdom. You should ALL go look at her fab clothing line here ... Demonika Clothing and make sure you buys lots of cool stuff as I intend to do.
Now I promise to come and visit and post pics and all that good stuff as soon as I can sit upright without feeling as though someone is ripping my insides out with a spoon. I miss you all and am thankful every day for having cool fuckers like you that want to associate with me.
Now its that time of day when I drag my sorry ass outside and smoke myself stupider.
Much love and ganga grease for all ...
I am just now recovering from a terrible illness from the depths of germ hell. Yes I really do have cooties so just be thankful you don't have to share a living space with my sick ass (and other parts as well - yuck!). Have you ever pissed out of your ass for weeks straight?? Been scared as hell cause you haven't pissed through the regular channel for days? How about not being able to keep down water?? Yes, yes and yes for me ... being sick really fucking sucks!!! But please take my word for it on this one .. I haven't been this ill since the fuckers at Red Lobster poisoned me with Ecoli many many moons ago. So yeah .. here's to shitting real shit and pissing out the proper hole!!!!
Now for the not so digusting update ....
I finally got the oh so professional job and the uber cool house. Too bad they aren't even in the same province. Yes I get to work my ass off in this fucking city while Monkey gets to go swing from the trees of our very own house out in the mountains. Sucks yeah ... but the ninja plan is still going down .. just might take a year or so before I can get my ass out there and start building and training the clan myself. Never fear .. you are all invited to join!
In the book department I highly recommend my newest acquisition .. it's a slightly oldie but a goodie .. "Bomb the Suburbs" by William Upski. If you can find it .. read it!
Now I have to eat some shit and apologize for not living up to a commitment I made to a a very cool SG. Demonika .. yes I suck ... I was called out of town at the last minute for a work appointment and didn't think they would let me off the hook to strut my stuff at the uber wicked Show of Horrors. I would have rather been strutting my stuff .. believe you me. Sorry nonetheless and yes I am fully admitting to my complete and utter suckdom. You should ALL go look at her fab clothing line here ... Demonika Clothing and make sure you buys lots of cool stuff as I intend to do.
Now I promise to come and visit and post pics and all that good stuff as soon as I can sit upright without feeling as though someone is ripping my insides out with a spoon. I miss you all and am thankful every day for having cool fuckers like you that want to associate with me.
Now its that time of day when I drag my sorry ass outside and smoke myself stupider.
Much love and ganga grease for all ...

prolly wont read this for a while. but im glad that your doin better and smokin. you should check out my joke and tell me what you think.
Hey Seska, how are you?