Oooooooh .. have you ever seen the elusive North American toque monkey??? Here for your viewing pleasure are two!!!!! Bahhh haaa haaaa ....
I will be 'round shortly for some hot journal loving!!!! I plan to stop sucking any day now ... just don't tell my monkey mate!!! Hee hee ... In the meantime .. here is my Xmas wishlist ...
- An end to the wasteful and unnecessary consumeristic mania that seems to have replaced good old fashioned loving kindness at Christmas...
- World peace and an end to animal cruelty in all its many disgusting forms
- The end of starvation and death by preventable diseases that continues to plague this beautiful planet
- The end of the rule of men and tyrants forever
- A nice big fat sack of green herbal goodness
- A few dozen cookies baked with my favorite special ingredient (not love don't be stoopid!)
- Good health and much happiness for all my family and friends (here and otherwise)
- Plus everything on my wish list .. ha ha ....
Now .. go and buy a copy of Lavonne and Rin's calendar!!!! What are you still doing here??????
I will be 'round shortly for some hot journal loving!!!! I plan to stop sucking any day now ... just don't tell my monkey mate!!! Hee hee ... In the meantime .. here is my Xmas wishlist ...
- An end to the wasteful and unnecessary consumeristic mania that seems to have replaced good old fashioned loving kindness at Christmas...
- World peace and an end to animal cruelty in all its many disgusting forms
- The end of starvation and death by preventable diseases that continues to plague this beautiful planet
- The end of the rule of men and tyrants forever
- A nice big fat sack of green herbal goodness
- A few dozen cookies baked with my favorite special ingredient (not love don't be stoopid!)
- Good health and much happiness for all my family and friends (here and otherwise)
- Plus everything on my wish list .. ha ha ....
Now .. go and buy a copy of Lavonne and Rin's calendar!!!! What are you still doing here??????
![ooo aaa](
You ever heard Paris? This fucker can rhyme. Sonic Jihad has no crap on it.