Ummmm ... OK .... here goes .. I proudly present to you .. 20 random facts you'll soon wish you didn't know about .. moi!!!! Thanks Chalko!!!!!!
1. I hate divulging personal information about myself. As you prolly know by now, I am obsessed with Shinobi, and any good ninja knows that the first priority is to protect the clan, therefore never let anyone into your mind castle. The more you reveal, the more that can be used against you ... word to the mother maaaaaan.
2. I am a Existentialist/Wiccan/Buddhist/Taoist/Christ-loving Atheist with psychopathic tendencies. Uh huh ....
3. My busking skills are superb. I can bring in the street $$ like nobody's business. If you want to join my troupe, just ask.
4. I will never have a baby. Never ... ever ... not even if it popped out with a fat sack of bud and changed its own diaper. I think children are over-rated. Plus they just can't hold their drugs or booze ... pfft!!! There is an over-population problem after all. Sheesh ....
5. The Crow is one of my favorite movies of all time even though it's not on my list. I have seen that movie over 200 times. I used to put it on whenever I felt insomniatic, which was a lot.
6. Pink Floyd's The Wall is the best written album of all time ... in my humble opinion. Any and all Black Flag albums next.
7. I am a hermit and social recluse who normally shuns human contact. Fuck society says I ... and fuck you it tells me right back. It's not that I can't be social, it's just that I choose not to be. My friends have learned to accept that they will see me only rarely ... I am all about the quality not the quantity.
8. I hate tv, but I am addicted to The Simpsons. Yesterday I watched for three hours straight. I prefer watching an episode I've seen over 10 times to almost anything else on tv.
9. I gave Henry Rollins a package of kleenex at his last spoken word show. Or ... more rightly, I threw a package at him and muttered the words "bad ass tissues for a bad ass motherfucker" and ran away like a little girl. Ouch ...
10. Heckling is one of my favorite pastimes. Many times I've attempted to cease my sarcastic ways, but the universe has subtly yet repeatedly informed me that I should embrace my inner wise ass and let the wit zing where it may ... indeed ... it appears to be my gift.
11. My favorite target of above mentioned gift ... MEEEEEEE. It is only fair after all .. plus .. there's just soooo much material to work with. I am one crazy beeeyotch ...
12. Eating vegetarian is my absolute favorite way to eat. Mmmmm .. carrots ... yeah I think eating vegetables and tofu is fun. There is something inherently unsettling about eating meat these days .... but then again .. I feel that way about doing almost everything these days. Which leads me directly into ....
13. I love being paranoid. Fucking love it. Who was it that said .. only the paranoid will survive?? Hell yeah we will ... and how about .. I wouldn't be paranoid if they weren't out to get me??? Truer words were never spoken .. Protect yo' neck out there!!!!!!!!
14. If I had to name my two biggest influences .. they would be Henry Rollins and Hunter S. Thompson. I guess I like to balance my rage with some gonzo influences ...
15. Adbusters is the best written magazine I have ever read ... EVER!!!!!!! If you haven't read it .. don't even bother coming back here again .. just kidding .. but you should really check it out if you can find it!!!!
16. My favorite quote right now ... "those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither". Fucking rights man ...
17. I am a clumsy, oafish, flailing tom-boy of a spastic freak who still gets mistaken for a diva. Whatevahhhhhhh ... next fact please ..
18. I am a HUGE supporter of dismantling the current government sanctioned, corporate dictatorshipped world order of exploitation, shameless environmental destruction, human rights violations on a grand scale, cruelty against animals, and general raping and pillaging of the planet. Yes ... anarchy NOW!!!!!! Fuck tha man!! Fight tha power!!!!!
19. My nationality is a total mystery to almost everybody ... the guesses have ranged from Native to Pakistani to Brazilian to Asian to Spanish ... wrong wrong wrong ... but I love my multinethnic looks. If you ask me real nice .. I might tell you!!
20. Bush and his sadistic team of robot, lizard dicks can suck incontinent, swollen, red baboon ass!!!!! Fucking pricks ...
Sorry .. just had to throw that in there ....
There ya go ... me in a nutshell .. now let me out please .. I'm claustrophobic. Hee hee hee ...
1. I hate divulging personal information about myself. As you prolly know by now, I am obsessed with Shinobi, and any good ninja knows that the first priority is to protect the clan, therefore never let anyone into your mind castle. The more you reveal, the more that can be used against you ... word to the mother maaaaaan.
2. I am a Existentialist/Wiccan/Buddhist/Taoist/Christ-loving Atheist with psychopathic tendencies. Uh huh ....
3. My busking skills are superb. I can bring in the street $$ like nobody's business. If you want to join my troupe, just ask.
4. I will never have a baby. Never ... ever ... not even if it popped out with a fat sack of bud and changed its own diaper. I think children are over-rated. Plus they just can't hold their drugs or booze ... pfft!!! There is an over-population problem after all. Sheesh ....
5. The Crow is one of my favorite movies of all time even though it's not on my list. I have seen that movie over 200 times. I used to put it on whenever I felt insomniatic, which was a lot.
6. Pink Floyd's The Wall is the best written album of all time ... in my humble opinion. Any and all Black Flag albums next.
7. I am a hermit and social recluse who normally shuns human contact. Fuck society says I ... and fuck you it tells me right back. It's not that I can't be social, it's just that I choose not to be. My friends have learned to accept that they will see me only rarely ... I am all about the quality not the quantity.
8. I hate tv, but I am addicted to The Simpsons. Yesterday I watched for three hours straight. I prefer watching an episode I've seen over 10 times to almost anything else on tv.
9. I gave Henry Rollins a package of kleenex at his last spoken word show. Or ... more rightly, I threw a package at him and muttered the words "bad ass tissues for a bad ass motherfucker" and ran away like a little girl. Ouch ...
10. Heckling is one of my favorite pastimes. Many times I've attempted to cease my sarcastic ways, but the universe has subtly yet repeatedly informed me that I should embrace my inner wise ass and let the wit zing where it may ... indeed ... it appears to be my gift.
11. My favorite target of above mentioned gift ... MEEEEEEE. It is only fair after all .. plus .. there's just soooo much material to work with. I am one crazy beeeyotch ...
12. Eating vegetarian is my absolute favorite way to eat. Mmmmm .. carrots ... yeah I think eating vegetables and tofu is fun. There is something inherently unsettling about eating meat these days .... but then again .. I feel that way about doing almost everything these days. Which leads me directly into ....
13. I love being paranoid. Fucking love it. Who was it that said .. only the paranoid will survive?? Hell yeah we will ... and how about .. I wouldn't be paranoid if they weren't out to get me??? Truer words were never spoken .. Protect yo' neck out there!!!!!!!!
14. If I had to name my two biggest influences .. they would be Henry Rollins and Hunter S. Thompson. I guess I like to balance my rage with some gonzo influences ...
15. Adbusters is the best written magazine I have ever read ... EVER!!!!!!! If you haven't read it .. don't even bother coming back here again .. just kidding .. but you should really check it out if you can find it!!!!
16. My favorite quote right now ... "those who would choose security over freedom deserve neither". Fucking rights man ...
17. I am a clumsy, oafish, flailing tom-boy of a spastic freak who still gets mistaken for a diva. Whatevahhhhhhh ... next fact please ..
18. I am a HUGE supporter of dismantling the current government sanctioned, corporate dictatorshipped world order of exploitation, shameless environmental destruction, human rights violations on a grand scale, cruelty against animals, and general raping and pillaging of the planet. Yes ... anarchy NOW!!!!!! Fuck tha man!! Fight tha power!!!!!

19. My nationality is a total mystery to almost everybody ... the guesses have ranged from Native to Pakistani to Brazilian to Asian to Spanish ... wrong wrong wrong ... but I love my multinethnic looks. If you ask me real nice .. I might tell you!!
20. Bush and his sadistic team of robot, lizard dicks can suck incontinent, swollen, red baboon ass!!!!! Fucking pricks ...

There ya go ... me in a nutshell .. now let me out please .. I'm claustrophobic. Hee hee hee ...

Well, here it goes, I'm: English, Irish, Dutch, Indonesian. And we suspect part Spanish too, but I can't confirm it. I love your mix! Veeerrry exotic, verrry hot!
Thank you so much for the sweet comments you left in my journal and thanks for all the kind words of encouragement about my mom-in-law's cancer.. and you too are a beautiful girl.. You have the prettiest eyes