Hi there...
1.5 of 5 days workmarathon is over -.-
I nearly freaked out designing an advertise but it's ok now
i'll upload a few pics later right now its bbq time...
1.5 of 5 days workmarathon is over -.-
I nearly freaked out designing an advertise but it's ok now

i'll upload a few pics later right now its bbq time...

Hi there, right now i'm exploring hamburg for some nice spots.
Well, my relationship is over and i'm struggling with a little depression right now, but that'll be over soon i hope...
I actualy have some good news, i have only 20 days of school left until i get my a-levels or at least until the tests begin
if you are interested here are some...
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Well, my relationship is over and i'm struggling with a little depression right now, but that'll be over soon i hope...
I actualy have some good news, i have only 20 days of school left until i get my a-levels or at least until the tests begin

if you are interested here are some...
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Ach,ber den Liebeskummer wirst du schon hinweg kommen,dauert zwar seine Zeit,aber irgendwann kannste dir sagen"Scheiss drauf,war Zeitverschwendung,ich hab wieder Spass!"
So geht's mir jedenfalls.
Wenn ich mich besaufe werd ich nach ner Zeit ziemlich gemein und nervig,deswegen lass ich das auch lieber.Will mir nicht noch mehr Feinde machen.
So geht's mir jedenfalls.
Wenn ich mich besaufe werd ich nach ner Zeit ziemlich gemein und nervig,deswegen lass ich das auch lieber.Will mir nicht noch mehr Feinde machen.

not much to report, life is boring right now...
last week my uncle married his long time girlfriend, but the actual party will take place in barcelona
well the second thing going on is my relationship slowly and painfully dieing. well, right now i'm an emotional cripple , but thats life...
last week my uncle married his long time girlfriend, but the actual party will take place in barcelona

well the second thing going on is my relationship slowly and painfully dieing. well, right now i'm an emotional cripple , but thats life...

aww that's a shame! every cloud has a silver lining! there is always an upside!!
Hey. Ich mag das Tattoo. Selbst ohne weitere Bedeutungen zu kennen. Nich schlcht.
Das mit Ostern und Klamotte endlich richten isn deal!

Das mit Ostern und Klamotte endlich richten isn deal!
ja mach mal ... 

Hoey it is abaout 2:00 am and i just got back from Hamburg.
It was fantastic apart from the real bad head ache and the fact that all my stuff is still over there ^^
I'll have a nap now, see ya the next days...
It was fantastic apart from the real bad head ache and the fact that all my stuff is still over there ^^
I'll have a nap now, see ya the next days...
Looks like i don't have much time to write some stuff, but i was busy doing a travelmarathon.
First Freiburg than Hannover and now Hamburg...
By now, i hate trains like hell but i'm okay so far, i did some work these days, finished two more or less ugly pictures i might show you when i'm back.
First Freiburg than Hannover and now Hamburg...
By now, i hate trains like hell but i'm okay so far, i did some work these days, finished two more or less ugly pictures i might show you when i'm back.
alle wege fhren wohl nach hannover xD
nee,da war ich noch nicht...ich geh immer im odeon frhstcken wenn ich nachts unterwegs frher n nuttentreff gewesen...die damen mssen ja auch mal was essen haha
nee,da war ich noch nicht...ich geh immer im odeon frhstcken wenn ich nachts unterwegs frher n nuttentreff gewesen...die damen mssen ja auch mal was essen haha
Klar,knnen wir gerne mal machen

So, back home and still sleepy but to hell
Right now, I'm trying to teach myself a bit about spraying because i'd like to do some stuff in that direction if it works out...
as long as i can't afford my own fotolab and/or a nice digicam ( i hate to use public ones
) i'll just more or less pause my desperate trials to...
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Right now, I'm trying to teach myself a bit about spraying because i'd like to do some stuff in that direction if it works out...
as long as i can't afford my own fotolab and/or a nice digicam ( i hate to use public ones

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Hoey, one week Freiburg ends tomorrow, this yearly trip is like the best holiday you can get. Just sitting here for seven days doing nothing is simply damn good
i'll be home on sunday at 22:30 after 14 hours of trainriding so i'll tell something on monday or so, we'll see...

i'll be home on sunday at 22:30 after 14 hours of trainriding so i'll tell something on monday or so, we'll see...

Hoey guys, i was a bit bussy after my London trip but i'm back again
And again i'm pissed, seems like i've got some emotional problems or something like that
, I made some fotos with my oldschool analog camera and the guys who were supposed to work them out for me for i had no time to do it myself simply lost them... 100...
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And again i'm pissed, seems like i've got some emotional problems or something like that

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hey there, got bacck with my boy and my set is looking imense! sent it away today!!! sooooooooooooooooooo excited! hehe x
Bestellen mich um 8h hin,bin pnktlich da,darf dann aber noch 2 Stunden warten bis ich endlich dran komme.
Und dann der Knaller,ich krieg nur n Zettel zum aufllen mit,kein Gesprch,garnix.Und nun n Termin Morgen,mal sehen was dann wieder los ist