Spent the last couple of days glued to this site. It was everything I expected and more. Rather than just having pretty faces for me to look at, reminding me of how incredibly dull and boring my life is; this site is stock full of interesting people and things I love to do. I think I am going to spend a lot of time in the Current Affairs and lifestyles section, just hope I dont piss anyone off; since sometime I can be really opinionated.
Additionally, I learned that my roommate is moving out on Tuesday. On the very minor chance that someone is reading my profile/journal I will explain the wonderful relationship we have(sorry, if its long-winded). I am here in the dorm a good half of any day wheares he comes in, excluding the time hes sleeping, DUH, for maybe an hour each day and bitches at me in a condesending way, and tells me about all the things that are wrong with me and my life. How the women I like shouldn't be called women(I have a picture of Brody from the Distilliers up on one wall), How I shouldnt be involved with the only two agency on campus that are actually doing anything except twildiling their thumbs(The local chapter of pride, now one of the largest clubs on campus and the womens center). I mean I shouldnt have to explain myself to him but I still make the effort. My first girlfriend was a feminist so I kind of got involved with those ideas and thoughts and my best friend up here on campus was really involved with pride. So I feel no shame whatesoever for being involved with either organization. Oh and he comes and tells me he doesnt like my music like all the time(in fact that is supposdly 1/3 of the reason hes moving out). My response to that is, I dont care whether or not he likes it, its my music because I, I, I, like to listen to it. I dont ask you too, in fact whenever he enters the room I turn it down, or even off if he's watching TV or on the phone. Oh, Oh, then he accuses me of being an alcoholic. I have touched a drop of the stuff for like three months. Why? Because I cant AFFORD it. Where as he goes out gets drunk EVERY NIGHT HES HERE>>>>. No kidding folks, even the first night back from christmas vacation. The fact he will probably be dead by the age of 30 from massive organ failure does not give me the comfort it should. The only weight he has for his argument that I am a drunk is that one night a group of 5 us got drunk and most of us(not me 'cause I am smarter than the average bear!) ended up going to the hospital and two of us almost died. I planned it so that it would happen in my room cause I knew as soon as two kids I knew up here said hey I got a bottle of Diesel 153(proof) in the same sentence as, we are modern day vikings(These kids were not so bright before the incident) I knew things were not going to go so well. To add insult to injury, that night while me and the girl I was with at the time were holding a kid(whose blood was so thinned by the alcohol in it that he was begining to BLEED randomly through some of the weaker mucus memberanes) and trying to get him to puke, the other kid who had almost died decided that the party had gotten boring(see that was the alcohol talking) decided to go look for the real partiers, you guessed it, my roommate and his friends. The two of us were tied up holding down the kid who had drunken just a little under half that bottle) Bobby, the last kid had at this point freaked and run off. We were worried BTW that he had wandered off somewhere and died that night 'cause we didnt know that he was in fact locked out of the building. So, there was no one to stop Nick from "going to the party" and I hadn't realized how much he had cause he wasnt showing signs yet . He didnt make it to there room cause he ran into my roommate, who saw he was suffering from severe alcohol posiening(the paramedics would later say it was the worst case they had ever seen anyone live through) told him to "sleep it off". Like thats not the #1 way to die from alcohol posiening. Later when we called the paramedics BTW he got pissed at me cause we might get in trouble 'cause it happened in our room. F That. Also, nothing fun happens here on the weekends anymore because most of the kids on our floor saw what happened that night and have actually sworn off alcohol(and stuck to it.)
Plus he's a slob and a health risk. He cooks his food in the room and if he doesnt finish his food he leaves it stacked in the sink, for say 3-4 weeks while it rots and decomposes. I dont eat in the room BTW. Our room has yet to pass a health inspection. He gets pissed at me when I throw away food that has become rotten or smelly(I have only done this twice BTW). The first time, he invited a girl he was interested over and told her she could stay the night but tonight, you guessed it, he and his friend were going out drinking... So she opens up the fridge cause shes hungry and starts freakin. Cant blame her, there were things in there I wish I could forget(shivers). So she decides to do him a favor and clean out his fridge. I think, ha vengence is mine, the room will be cleaner and it will be his own fault for inviting some one else in. It took a grand total of 2 and a half hours and the help of no less then three equally disgusted friends of hers to clean that sucker out. I assisted by opening the window and throwing out anything she handed to me. Its called passive participation. We must have thrown out 15 lbs of rotting meats, curdled dairy, etc., etc. But, two of the items thrown out merely looked rotten and smelled rotten because of the spices and herbs used in them. He wil never forgive me for throwing out two bowls of dip. Another time he kept a pumpkin in the room for two+ weeks after halloween. I came in from the weekend. I had gone home for the first time since I had gotten up there so my mum was up helping me cart stuff up. We open the door and my mother says, "what is that smell?". I immediatly thought crap, I thought I disposed of those bodies. Oh well, I am going to have to knock off the old lady too. But, low and behold it wasnt them but rather the pumpkin, which I had tollerated in its various stages of decomposition over the last few weeks because of my roommates wishes to throw it into "a lake as ritual he always does with its friends". The spore content in the room was so high you could almost see the little buggers floating around. Knowing my roommate was not going to understand why I would get rid of his precious pumpkin. I opended the window look at my mother and told her, "My roommate will not be back until late tomorrow morning, he will not let me get rid of this THING, I am going to turn my back and I want you to do what you think is right". And she did, she hurled that thing out the window(right on to the sidewalk, I had meant for her to throw it into the forest). My sister works in forensics and she was up at the university taking classes to further her experience/value to the office. They passed by the pumpkin the next day and someone said they should fingerprint it(just for jollies, wierdos). They got closer and refused to touch. Folks, they had been working with dead bodies on the body farm just last week and they refused to touch that thing.
These are the reasons(+ the need for more room) that he is supposidly moving out. THere were a few other incidents but not many as hes not here often enough for there to be any drama. Hes been gossiping to everyone about how horrible of a roommate I am but oh, scary the kid who does his homework, listens to music, throws out rotting food, and cares for his friends when they make stupid mistakes. Gee's those are horrible personality traits.
Plus, I know I am not that bad of a roomie, cause unlike him I have actually lived with other people for significat periods of time and actually recieved direct praise from them. Hmm...I guess I ranted a bit but whatever tommorow I will post what I orginal meant to post today; what I am going to do with the room when he leaves.
Additionally, I learned that my roommate is moving out on Tuesday. On the very minor chance that someone is reading my profile/journal I will explain the wonderful relationship we have(sorry, if its long-winded). I am here in the dorm a good half of any day wheares he comes in, excluding the time hes sleeping, DUH, for maybe an hour each day and bitches at me in a condesending way, and tells me about all the things that are wrong with me and my life. How the women I like shouldn't be called women(I have a picture of Brody from the Distilliers up on one wall), How I shouldnt be involved with the only two agency on campus that are actually doing anything except twildiling their thumbs(The local chapter of pride, now one of the largest clubs on campus and the womens center). I mean I shouldnt have to explain myself to him but I still make the effort. My first girlfriend was a feminist so I kind of got involved with those ideas and thoughts and my best friend up here on campus was really involved with pride. So I feel no shame whatesoever for being involved with either organization. Oh and he comes and tells me he doesnt like my music like all the time(in fact that is supposdly 1/3 of the reason hes moving out). My response to that is, I dont care whether or not he likes it, its my music because I, I, I, like to listen to it. I dont ask you too, in fact whenever he enters the room I turn it down, or even off if he's watching TV or on the phone. Oh, Oh, then he accuses me of being an alcoholic. I have touched a drop of the stuff for like three months. Why? Because I cant AFFORD it. Where as he goes out gets drunk EVERY NIGHT HES HERE>>>>. No kidding folks, even the first night back from christmas vacation. The fact he will probably be dead by the age of 30 from massive organ failure does not give me the comfort it should. The only weight he has for his argument that I am a drunk is that one night a group of 5 us got drunk and most of us(not me 'cause I am smarter than the average bear!) ended up going to the hospital and two of us almost died. I planned it so that it would happen in my room cause I knew as soon as two kids I knew up here said hey I got a bottle of Diesel 153(proof) in the same sentence as, we are modern day vikings(These kids were not so bright before the incident) I knew things were not going to go so well. To add insult to injury, that night while me and the girl I was with at the time were holding a kid(whose blood was so thinned by the alcohol in it that he was begining to BLEED randomly through some of the weaker mucus memberanes) and trying to get him to puke, the other kid who had almost died decided that the party had gotten boring(see that was the alcohol talking) decided to go look for the real partiers, you guessed it, my roommate and his friends. The two of us were tied up holding down the kid who had drunken just a little under half that bottle) Bobby, the last kid had at this point freaked and run off. We were worried BTW that he had wandered off somewhere and died that night 'cause we didnt know that he was in fact locked out of the building. So, there was no one to stop Nick from "going to the party" and I hadn't realized how much he had cause he wasnt showing signs yet . He didnt make it to there room cause he ran into my roommate, who saw he was suffering from severe alcohol posiening(the paramedics would later say it was the worst case they had ever seen anyone live through) told him to "sleep it off". Like thats not the #1 way to die from alcohol posiening. Later when we called the paramedics BTW he got pissed at me cause we might get in trouble 'cause it happened in our room. F That. Also, nothing fun happens here on the weekends anymore because most of the kids on our floor saw what happened that night and have actually sworn off alcohol(and stuck to it.)
Plus he's a slob and a health risk. He cooks his food in the room and if he doesnt finish his food he leaves it stacked in the sink, for say 3-4 weeks while it rots and decomposes. I dont eat in the room BTW. Our room has yet to pass a health inspection. He gets pissed at me when I throw away food that has become rotten or smelly(I have only done this twice BTW). The first time, he invited a girl he was interested over and told her she could stay the night but tonight, you guessed it, he and his friend were going out drinking... So she opens up the fridge cause shes hungry and starts freakin. Cant blame her, there were things in there I wish I could forget(shivers). So she decides to do him a favor and clean out his fridge. I think, ha vengence is mine, the room will be cleaner and it will be his own fault for inviting some one else in. It took a grand total of 2 and a half hours and the help of no less then three equally disgusted friends of hers to clean that sucker out. I assisted by opening the window and throwing out anything she handed to me. Its called passive participation. We must have thrown out 15 lbs of rotting meats, curdled dairy, etc., etc. But, two of the items thrown out merely looked rotten and smelled rotten because of the spices and herbs used in them. He wil never forgive me for throwing out two bowls of dip. Another time he kept a pumpkin in the room for two+ weeks after halloween. I came in from the weekend. I had gone home for the first time since I had gotten up there so my mum was up helping me cart stuff up. We open the door and my mother says, "what is that smell?". I immediatly thought crap, I thought I disposed of those bodies. Oh well, I am going to have to knock off the old lady too. But, low and behold it wasnt them but rather the pumpkin, which I had tollerated in its various stages of decomposition over the last few weeks because of my roommates wishes to throw it into "a lake as ritual he always does with its friends". The spore content in the room was so high you could almost see the little buggers floating around. Knowing my roommate was not going to understand why I would get rid of his precious pumpkin. I opended the window look at my mother and told her, "My roommate will not be back until late tomorrow morning, he will not let me get rid of this THING, I am going to turn my back and I want you to do what you think is right". And she did, she hurled that thing out the window(right on to the sidewalk, I had meant for her to throw it into the forest). My sister works in forensics and she was up at the university taking classes to further her experience/value to the office. They passed by the pumpkin the next day and someone said they should fingerprint it(just for jollies, wierdos). They got closer and refused to touch. Folks, they had been working with dead bodies on the body farm just last week and they refused to touch that thing.
These are the reasons(+ the need for more room) that he is supposidly moving out. THere were a few other incidents but not many as hes not here often enough for there to be any drama. Hes been gossiping to everyone about how horrible of a roommate I am but oh, scary the kid who does his homework, listens to music, throws out rotting food, and cares for his friends when they make stupid mistakes. Gee's those are horrible personality traits.
Plus, I know I am not that bad of a roomie, cause unlike him I have actually lived with other people for significat periods of time and actually recieved direct praise from them. Hmm...I guess I ranted a bit but whatever tommorow I will post what I orginal meant to post today; what I am going to do with the room when he leaves.
wow, what a roommate. it's probably very much for the best that moves out. for your health and everyone else's.
mine just steals all the hot water and is inconsiderate. i guess it can always be worse...