Dear world, this is a real picture which is not edited in any sort of way. This was real event that happened almost 20 years ago. At the time this photo was published, I don’t believe that there was any kind of message trying to be sent by publishing this photo, other than factual. It’s just a photo documenting a moment in time. There’s nothing fake about this event that happened. The photo is a snapshot of what happened on the day of September 11, 2001.
You see, I know that the World Trade Center had been attacked and obliterated because I had seen the twin towers up close in the month of August 2001 and also I had seen the same area the following year. My eyes believed what I saw and i didn’t need to rely on media to know the truth.
fast forward to this global pandemic. We have gotten to the point were wearing a fucking facemask is a political issue. How is this logical? A facemask is a political statement? Huh? That makes absolutely zero sense to me. When you see a hospital in Italy overrun, and hundreds of people dying there each day, what else do yo need to see as evidence that this virus is to be taken seriously? This really is Idiocracy in real life. For someone to believe that the media is fucking with your head by making up a virus you are absolutely worse than mentally retarded. You don’t deserve to be on this goddamn planet. You are causing a lot of harm to the planet by approaching life in this way. Am I being too cynical or too overreactive? Perhaps but I am merely releasing frustration within me because I really have nowhere else to do this. I can’t do it on Facebook because then I get a whole bunch of people angry that I don’t support the fucking orange president Donald Trump. This motherfucker is not a good businessman at all. He became successful because he’s a top-of-the-line asshole and he’s pretty damn good at it. He is definitely not good at managing anything. He has become successful because he uses his name to get shit that he wants done and that’s it. And the American people are absolutely fucking morons and should feel ashamed of themselves for believing in this person that he could be a good leader for the country.
I’m not at all talking about Republican or Democrat or conservative or liberal. Donald Trump does not represent any of these things. He represents economic power. And the fucking American people are too stupid to realize this. I saw a post on here a month ago that someone was saying why are you shitting on my president. Look, although some people don’t want to accept it, I accept that he is my president. I didn’t vote for him nor do I believe in him. But he is still my president just as he is for all other American citizens. I hope someday that someone actually has the balls to take one of his golf carts and shove it up his ass. Hopefully, I will calm down with my irrational thinking, but for now I have no limits to what I’m gonna say nor do I expect to make any sense of what I say. I just need to get some shit off my chest because seeing cases go up in states that didn’t believe in the virus absolutely infuriates me and there’s not a fucking thing I can do about it. I’m no doctor. I’m not a scientific expert. I’m not an expert at anything. But when I see that 50 million news outlets are saying the same fucking thing, I’m probably going to believe it because it’s probably true. I completely acknowledge that the media have their own agenda either on the way to manipulate people into believing one thing or the other. After all, we are all consumers right? Without the corporate world the whole world would be a disaster site because we never learned the proper way to take care of ourselves without being dependent on something or someone for something. Perhaps a little conspiracy theory of me is saying that maybe this is what the upper echelon of people want. You know who I’m talking about, the five or six families that actually run the world. But in reality, I really shouldn’t care, because people are fucking morons no matter what way you look at it. It seems like since the beginning of time there have been 89 peasants, five knights who do all the work, and one king, and well that’s just the way the system works I can’t do anything about it so let’s not do anything. One thing that I am very proud of myself and I don’t give a fuck if anyone reading this thinks I’m an idiot for feeling proud it doesn’t matter because I’m feeling proud and I rarely feel proud of myself....... Is that I knew from an early age that there is something really wrong when you have over 6 billion people who are peasants, and only maybe three or 400,000 really powerful people. What the fuck are the other people doing? Why is it so hard to get people organized to overthrow these motherfuckers and maybe come up with a different system a different way of living? I’m not saying that it would be the best system to live in, But maybe if you had every century are so different systems in place, just as a result of history, we might actually come up with a system that’s good for most of us in which there is an elimination of classes and a distribution of knowledge and power. Five million can or maybe 5 billion people can have the power? I don’t know, But for so many years it has seemed utterly ridiculous to me how much people in essence are silent. How the fuck can a TV series gather more attention than politics? Politics doesn’t have to be corrupted actually, if people cared, people might actually be able to get more out of this life, But for so many years it has seemed utterly ridiculous to me how much people in essence are silent.
Now, to rant about the facemask. As I said before I am not a doctor nor do I consider myself an expert but I know that when I wear a face mask I actually feel pretty good that I’m wearing one because I see other people around me wearing them and that makes me feel even more confident that I’m making the right decision and wearing the fucking face mask. Why the fuck is this a political issue? How is that even remotely possible that by not wearing a face mask that means I support Donald fucking orange president Trump and that by wearing a face mask it means that I’m against Donald loves McDonald’s fast food I hope you fucking die soon Trump? Isn’t there a point where science trumps certain political beliefs? Isn’t there a point where you actually put your trust in doctors because they know what the fuck they’re talking about because they studied this shit for over 10 years of their life and they know how the human body works.
And here’s another rant, it is July 15 as of this post, and there is still no goddamn motherfucking cure for coronavirus. In fact, we are still learning stuff about this fucking virus. We do not know everything we need to know about this virus, which is why all these motherfuckers should shut the fuck up when they’re talking about how this is like the flu. No you don’t know what goddamn fucking thing about this virus because that’s why they called novel, and maybe if you went to school and studied a little bit harder not totally harder but just a little bit harder you would have the knowledge you Donald Trump fucking wearing MAGA hat motherfucker supporter Or whatever breed of human being you are, you might be able to put your political beliefs to the side for a minute and realize that this is a fucking serious virus and it’s deadly! You can say oh well they were old so they were going to die, just open up the fucking Wendy’s big Macs big dick up my heart in Im going to die fucking die from a heart attack hamburger and let me go and buy a bunch of shit from the mall and Walmart that I don’t actually need. Since when did economics become more important than health? The other thing about this and I’m just talking out of my ass here I have absolutely no factual information or sources to back this up, but who the fuck has money to go out and buy shit anyway? This is another thing I don’t understand about this economic argument. It’s absolutely moronic to think that if you all of a sudden re-open everything, that everything would go back to the way it was.
Also let me rant about how fucking stupid society is. Society shouldn’t be dependent upon economics. There are so many more important things in life than money or what you can buy and what you can’t buy. Do people realize that by owning a Lexus or owning a Hyundai it really doesn’t matter because eventually you’re going to be a part of this earth as a decomposing corpse? The reason something like this is important to me is because there are people or should I say children who were brought into this earth with no asking of their own and they are denied education and basic human rights such as clean water or a proper place to use the toilet.
also, I remember seeing Donald Trump say “The reason I eat fast food is because of how safe it is, one bad hamburger in your out.” you see this is how this president looks at life: It’s all about money. Not only is he defending the KKK, but he also cares more about his wallet then your health. One of the reasons that I mentioned that the media likes to manipulate people with their own agenda is that there are a lot of things that I just don’t want to believe. I will be the first to admit that many times my head is up my ass. However, about a month ago I saw a video which showed Donald Trump‘s past, and I don’t mean his past well maybe his past but I mean his family‘s past. Was it his grandfather or his father who is an actual member of the KKK? And what do you see this piece of shit on television being interviewed and seeing the more white people die by police than Black people, wow then either you’re as ignorant as the media or you were literally born with your head up your own ass and are blind. But this is how he approaches everything, money. How much you got or how much you don’t got. And I just don’t understand how someone can support this type of behavior. Bottom line is Donald Trump and the people around him do not give a flying fuck about you. I don’t need a fucking book to tell me this. I know that this is the truth. You have absolutely every right to defend his position and to agree with his stance. You have every single right to come over here and shoot me with your fucking gun and quite frankly I welcome it. I will actually pay you money to come over here and shoot me in the face with your fucking gun.
As I get older I start to realize that I’m actually more conservative than liberal. I believe in family values, I believe in gun ownership rights, however I know that when someone is out there just to make money and is all about money, I know that this person doesn’t deserve my vote because I don’t support these things. You have every single right to defend these issues. You have every single right to vote for whoever you wanna fucking vote for. But, when it comes to getting me sick because you’re ignorant ass doesn’t believe in this virus and you think it’s a hoax, well then.......
Rant over fuck everyone fuck me fuck you fuck the system and just fuck.
It now to post something that I am extremely happy about.....@jessaskittles
Look, I know you don’t know you personally, I hope that someday we’ll meet, but I know you have no idea who I am. Many other people, especially females, have described me as being very friendly but also as creepy.... If I ever do get to meet you in person you make the choice for yourself, but I have the absolute most respect and love for you and the work that you do on this site....all her sets represent the essence of why I have joined this site