Before I get into some serious dark stuff, I want to give a shot out to these four spectacular women and their sets! They are all beyond incredible!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
This is @matoushka from her set ROCK'N ROLLER COASTER. This has me going gaga right now. Pure AMAZINGNESS!!! Not to mention just the sound of the name Matoushka has my heart melted.........
This is @catabis from her set MY GARDEN. Oh those eyes!!!!!!!!! Absolutely incredible!!!!!!!!!!!
This is @akari and screaming for vengeance. Beautiful!! Beautiful!!! Beautiful!!!!!! Love her smile, her eyes, her ink!! Amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!
and finally,
This is @budfairy and girl next door. Something happened that's never happened before to me while looking at a set.. I felt like a magnet was drawing me to her eyes in each photo. I looked at this set again and again, and the same thing, in every single photo I was drawn to her eyes...awesome stuff!!!!
Movie Review time!!!
If you enjoy watching films that make you wonder, ponder, contemplate the ethics of existence, then this film is for you! For me, it's one of the most frightening films I've ever seen because of the actuality of the theme or themes in the movie, obsession and cloning. I've been saying for years now that in the future (if not already) you will be able to chose the type of child you want to have, blond hair, freckles, the width of the nose, how intelligent it is, if it has an artistic side, etc.
But furthermore, science will be able to (if not already) detect and perhaps prevent certain diseases and conditions such as Depression, Autism, or Down's syndrome for example. Now when I say "prevent certain diseases" not only do I mean medicine, but also abortion. How ethical is it to abort a child in which from the early stages of pregnancy, it has been determined that the child will be have a physical defect, or be mentally retarded, or will have some type of disease in which it will not live for many years? Ethical or not, I'm absolutely certain it's going to happen (if not already).
I remember a few years ago one of my aunt's who is from Brazil posted this and how it's still happening in today's world:
Now the video itself says it's a re-enactment. The practice itself though is still being done, or at least, it was being done as of a few years ago. The tribe considered children who were born with physical defects or who were twins or triplets, had no soul, and therefore would be burried alive. Look, I'm all about culteral tolerance and learning from each other, I really am. I think it's one of the few things in this world that are wonderful, but this? This is absolutely horrific. Disgusting. Makes me want to lash out at these people and kill them instead of the kids.
The below vid is from an episode of "The New Twilight Zone" which was from the 80's. Examination Day
Keep in mind that this was created sometime in the mid 80's and it's supposed to be 'futuristic'. I guess it's almost natural to laugh at how previous generations have predicted the future in film, but this along with 1984 are frighteningly accurate, or at least in my opinion they are. "We regret to inform you that your son's intelligence quotient has exceeded the government standard..." So essentially, those who are determined to be intelligent are killed. Now in terms of the present, we do not kill people who are judged as intelligent. But, it definitely feels as though there is an enormous amount of effort and money being used on keeping the general population dumb...just my opinion though.
This is a surveillance photo of Jennifer, Adam, and Ethan Laber taken on November 29, 2016. The mother took her two children out of school, bought a handgun, and shot both her sons and then herself in a parking lot later that day. Now, according to the father, Jennifer was diagnosed with severe depression and bi-polar disorder but also, she believed that by commiting these acts of murder, she would be a good mother and take them to heaven. Now I'm not bringing this up to talk about religion or give my opinion of this family. Honestly, I don't think I even have any right to do so being that I've never met them personally. The reason I'm bringing this up is to discuss this weird crazy idea I have about the grand scheme of nature and maybe, just maybe, find the right words to describe this idea. You see, we live in various societies accross the earth which have different values, morales, and ethics. I could come up with a whole slew of articles and photos to demonstrate just how fucked up every culture is, but in the end, does it really matter to nature and the grand design of nature? I don't think so.
You see, I have just given three examples (although technically one of them is made up) of ways children are murdered and how to the murderer, it is acceptable. It doesn't make any logical sense to me how the death of a child is acceptable, whether it's because of physical defects or mental defects. Ethics, morales......the fact is that these acts were still commited. There was no forcefield to stop Jennifer from pulling that trigger. Nature didn't care. Nature allowed it to happen. I'm not saying nature encouraged it to happen, no, but nature doesn't have ethics. Nature will not judge you on whether you've been bad or good. It will not reward you for committing acts of kindness, nor will it punish you for doing such awful despicable things. Nature's only message to us is to procreate and you know why I say that? Because you are born with reproductive organs. You don't just go to the store and buy a penis or vagina, they were given to you and you are supposed to use them. That's it. Nature also has a way of evolving. These so called defects are not natures way of punishing anyone, it's all a way of procreating to nature. Nature doesn't judge you if you were born with an enlarged heart, or if you were born with depression. It doesn't give a fuck, it simply created you and thats it. Nature doesn't provide you with an instructional manual on how to live your life. If you want to become an athete, great! If you want to kill yourself, great! If you want to help the needy, great! If you want to travel to outer space, great! Or if you want to be a couch potato, great! It's all the same to nature.
As I mentioned earlier, while I'm sure it's not publically documented yet, I'm almost certain that if not already, there will be ways to modify DNA during a pregancy. This is scary. This is humans doing the work of nature and that's a bad idea if you ask me, but, to contradict myself, there is this lingering thought I have on all this that just makes me think....the ability to have the knowledge, create the machinery, create even the concept of modifying DNA, nature doesn't stop it from happening. Now I'm not at all saying that the consequences of doing such acts wont' be bad, but, the concept of modifying DNA, isn't nature allowing this to happen? Isn't nature responsible for giving us the capability to do such things? Again, I'm not saying that nature is encouraging for this to happen. Maybe there is a whole other civilization of life somewhere out there in the universe that implanted something in our brains eons ago, and they are experimenting to see how we turn out. Maybe they are gambling on whether we come out as good kind hearted people or fucked up narcissistic consumer robots. Bottom line is this, no matter how earthquake proof you make a building, no matter how much blue you design a baby's eyes, and no matter how much love or hate you put into yourself, nature always and ALWAYS will win.
This movie for me, brings up all kinds of fucked up, which is why I love it so much. You see how obsessed Eva Green's character is with somoene whith whom she loved very much, but one flaw I see in this film is that the concept of 're-birthing' someone doesn't make them turn out the same person that they were because they are growing up in a different environment. This film brings up one of the strangest ideas I've ever heard of: It is called 'artificial incest'. A woman loved her mother so much, she re-created her. This shit is so weird to me to even grasp, but what makes it very frightening to me is that I'm almost certain people will be able to do this.
I also want to mention, part of why I'm so in love with this movie is Eva Green. God she is so beautiful but also one very fine actress......10/10 for me....