a few weeks ago, I heard a newly appointed SG make some rather offensive comments, or at least what I thought was offensive, towards hopefuls who have been hopeful since 2013. This bothered me up until now. Yesterday I fortunately came across the 'everything SG' group and was looking at some threads and really calmed down about the issue and so I'm just typing this out to 'officially' rid of the problem.
I am not very familiar with the processes or standards that are used to determine who becomes an SG, but I probably agree with them. I also agree with the fact that not everyone can become an SG. We all have a few people in mind who we think should be pink, but aren't. Such is life. I have no problem with that.
What I have a problem with are 'sore winners'. What I can tell by looking at thousands of pictures on here is that there is a lot of time and effort put into these photographs, from make-up, to props, to lighting, etc etc. When someone disrespects these efforts, I get very upset.
Now I'm going to twist this into an issue about me. Does the fact that I am offended by this make me over sensitive? I do not want to be oversensitive. I want people to tell me when I'm being oversensitive. Maybe if a hopeful heard what I heard, it wouldn't mean anything. Maybe I'm putting too much into the words, maybe this chic didn't mean it in that way...I dunno...bottom line, I got it out of my system. It's over with....onto looking at some super cute new pics!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOO