23 days left on this island. My goal of finding a job here to prepare for august is all but gone. My idiot captain said no to my request to be transferred to a place where I'd wash dishes all day but when you're allowed to leave, you leave at 10am and I could be able to go for job interviews. whatever. I am at a point where I don't know what I want and therefore I have no goals in front of me. I'd like to start exercising again but laziness takes over. Usually when I'm alone, I can gather my thoughts and bring myself back to reality but I fear that by being one more day with these lazy idiotic college kids, I may freak out and end up doing more time. None the less, I'm looking forward to the summer..assuming I have funds. Theres so much planned and so much not planned. I'm also thinking about the german girl. God I want her so badly. I can just picture us holding hands and kissing and stuff but I just can't stand it that I don't know what will happen. Am I chasing after something that doesn't exist? Bottom line is I need to get laid. It's been two years man..whoa
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doesn't make sense
What kind of low IQ mentally inept fucktards are working for the De… -
Did you forget to buy your gun today?
This is going to be a variety of stuff and with full blown kick … -
early in the mornin', rise into the street
:) So I wake up today around 5am, after five whole straight h… -
Whines and thoughts....Royal edition
If anyone reading this has some suggestions for where to get actua… -
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Many many many hugs to these beatiful ladies!!!
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Release the _____!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Such incredible awesomeness!!!!!!!!!!!!
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