well, since I'm here I might as well post something. I did a lot today in terms of cleaning. I purposely left at 5 so that I couldn't gamble. Now I'm starting to think again about quitting. Its just that when I wake up, I want one so bad that I don't care as much as I do later on in the day. Once I start, fuck it. Light em up, smoke em down, and die. Which brings me to the idea I had today that perhaps our spirits are recycled or reincarnated but that our memories are left here on earth. Wouldn't it be really fucking weird to know that you're going to die and then come back here as something else? Ha, I'd love to try it and keep dying. But the thing is, since everything has a beginning and end, that idea does not apply. Death is such an awesome mystery to me though but I come to no conclusions about it. Hopefully tomorrow I will at least be able to do a workout.
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