The presents are wrapped, I'm seeing friends solidly for the next thre days, and then getting shitfaced ( yay! ) I made the mistake of getting the new burnout game ( I should be working dammit >.< )
Arch Enemy on Thursday night... The support were spot on, Strapping young lad and Throwdown have converted me on the spot, but to hear Arch enemy live was the most amazing thing ever. It was spot on, they played all the classics and blew me away! I'll be first in line for their next tour.
no worries babe! I love comments! And it sounds like you saw some badass concerts....yay you!!
Is it sad that i can recognise the shops from that pic?
Hmm, maybe a little.
Essays can be fun, but not when you have two to do this weekend, plus a japanese assesment on Tuesday. Roll on the Arch Enemy Gig on Thursday.
i need to go to more gigs
I'm at uni! it's scary, but now I'm here in Oxford, where the booze is cheap and the girls are... still reassuringly expensive. Dammit.
Why thank you. I may have to get a less scary picture in the near future, but it'll do for now.
You need to get yourself to the Duke of Cambridge my friend. Where the beer is expensive...and if your lucky....some of the girls are cheap
"Now I'll learn to use the Journal properly, and not look like a twat!"
I just joined today, giving it a trail, and thought "what the hell, I'll put on a profile. At least I can make some other people smile" Lets see how it goes.
Well, the site wanted me back, and I answered ( Was there any doubt? ) Things haven't changed much, I'm off to Uni in Oxford in about three weeks, God Help me. Lots of nice new people to meet and confuse ^_^
Phew, Hot and stressed >.< I'm still trying to get everything together for my Move to Uni in a couple of weeks. I'm just making sure I don't forget anything important, like I did today!
do you feel dirty yet?