Shit, I’m failing lately with regard to trying to say a bit each day. I know it’s healthy to write, but I just haven’t been making the time.
Still, I’m not sure what my point is exactly in trying to write daily. I don’t think I want to run a music critic theme because I’m not terribly fond of any sort of artistic critiquing. I have this personal theory that those who can, make art, and those who can’t, critique. So I think that’s out.
And doing some kind of diary-type thing also wouldn’t be right because my day-to-day living does not consistent excitement make.
However, I have been told I’m pretty good at expounding random thoughts that float through my head, but here I come full-circle and I’m back asking myself, “What’s the point?”
To practice writing? Could be – I can always use practice. Cathartic? Yeah I’ve been told it is. Interesting to other people? Maybe, but perhaps that’s just wishful thinking. I know to be interesting, one really has to offer up something personal, and I’m not particularly great at that. So I think we’re back at the practice thing.
I’ll feel more comfortable when I come up with a purpose to this. Until then...
I finally saw all of “Guardians Of The Galaxy” and I’ll admit that I did enjoy it. Still a little silly in many spots, but most of those I think ended up just being part of its charm.
I’m also doing better with the anger, though last night wasn’t great: I was just a bit pissed off in general, the particular source being unknown. I am, however, doing better with limiting my alcohol intake. I only drink on the weekends, and I’m really feeling like I have control now. This is good, and I should be able to keep it up.
And in light of Tuesday having been the 70th anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz, I just wanted to repost portions of a comment I made on Thursday regarding the Shoah in general:
There are still a fair number of people who would do anything -- anything at all -- not to be able to remember what happened: the survivors. But they're fading fast and in a relatively short time, there won't be any left. And I fervently hope this atrocity won't fade from our history lessons for the lack of anyone who can tell its story firsthand.
You know, there's a really exceptional Twilight Zone episode called "Death's-Head Revisited", and I always thought the close of the script was extraordinarily apt and poignant, particularly so even for that generally brilliant TV series. It follows...
A doctor attending to a former SS man at Dachau, driven insane by the ghosts of dead prisoners, looks around him and wonders, “Dachau! Why does it still stand?! Why do we keep it standing?!?”
And Rod Serling, in his closing narration, replies, "There is an answer to the doctor's question. All the Dachaus must remain standing. The Dachaus, the Belsens, the Buchenwalds, the Auschwitzes.
“All of them.
“They must remain standing because they are a monument to a moment in time when some men decided to turn the Earth into a graveyard.
“Into it they shoveled all of their reason, their logic, their knowledge, but worst of all their conscience.
“And the moment we forget this, the moment we cease to be haunted by its remembrance, then we become the gravediggers.
“Something to dwell on and to remember, not only in the Twilight Zone but wherever men walk god's Earth."
-- ∆☩Y§ ☨♆∀☥✠