Well, shit. Don’t even think of just turning your phone on if Curtis Reeves’ in the theater with you. There’s probably not much chance of that now, but think how many fellow moviegoers likely narrowly escaped with their lives before Monday.
Ya know, some folks who know me know that I’m not a huge fan of people using their phones (or being otherwise distracting) even after the trailers start. Now maybe Mr. Reeves is less of a fan of that than I am, or maybe he was just having a pisser of a day and happened to have a .38 Special in his pocket. Either way, the result is the same: dead texter.
Now, I’ve never been willing to bust caps because some jackass was sending cute wittle emoji to his toddler. But, I have very nearly thrown down over it a couple of times in my life. So, even though I think ol’ Curtis overreacted a tad, I’d be lying if I said I had no idea where he was coming from.
Will this ugly tale perhaps give a potential turdmonkey texter pause, who might be otherwise inclined to make the movie-going experience all about him and his annoyingly bright, trendy lil’ smartyphone? Maybe, right?
“Dear, that man may have a gun. Do we really want to find out for sure?
“Perhaps let’s not and say we did.
Oh, let’s!”
-- ∆☩Y§ ☨♆∀☥✠
CVRRENT SOVND: “Entombment Of A Machine” by Job For A Cowboy from “Doom”