[ Now playing in Demon Tribe Hollow... Fiebre De Atarantado by Crash Worship from Espontaneo! ]
Lucky Thirteen seems the right place to start writing again, and the fact that I very recently got back from Burning Man signals to me further justification. Before I move on with what I'd like to say, however, I want to point out that there is at least one hard reason to be proud of a certain era of my hometown's musical history, and that is Crash Worship. To say that I'm a rabid fan of that entity would be a ridiculous understatement, so fair warning that I'm extremely biased.
I'm a fervent admirer not only of their utterly unique brand of sound, but of their amorphous "philosophy", for lack of a better word.
They were what could be considered a terrorist cell of musicians, utterly unafraid to be branded as something to be avoided: Satanists, Nazis, demons, misanthropists, wicked assholes, etc. The extraordinarily rare interview with one or more of their members was looked upon by the "band" as a great opportunity to make themselves even more hated and feared.
They were the GG Allin of percussion ensembles.
But they were also rabidly intelligent, making them even more impossible to pin down and categorize.
Adoracion De Rotura Violenta. If you ever see "A.D.R.V.", count your lucky stars that you're likely in a former haunt of the group. They placed their faith in one thing: perceived chaos. And the emphasis is on the first word of that phrase, considering the fact that there *is* order to the universe, though the human race likely won't be around long enough to thoroughly comprehend it.
The exemplary filmmaker Werner Herzog made an accurate summation of their faith when, in the film "Grizzly Man", he declared, "I believe the common denominator of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder."
And there is no reason the members of ADRV chose to make the damnable racket they made, other than the simple fact that they could. And there's no reason such a group was determined to beautify ugliness, other than the fact that, like it or not, some of us simply prefer the world's underbelly to the white picket fence.
Count me in, motherfucker.
[ Also playing in Demon Tribe Hollow... Avon by Queens Of The Stone Age from Queens Of The Stone Age ]

[ Now playing in Demon Tribe Hollow... Fiebre De Atarantado by Crash Worship from Espontaneo! ]
Lucky Thirteen seems the right place to start writing again, and the fact that I very recently got back from Burning Man signals to me further justification. Before I move on with what I'd like to say, however, I want to point out that there is at least one hard reason to be proud of a certain era of my hometown's musical history, and that is Crash Worship. To say that I'm a rabid fan of that entity would be a ridiculous understatement, so fair warning that I'm extremely biased.
I'm a fervent admirer not only of their utterly unique brand of sound, but of their amorphous "philosophy", for lack of a better word.
They were what could be considered a terrorist cell of musicians, utterly unafraid to be branded as something to be avoided: Satanists, Nazis, demons, misanthropists, wicked assholes, etc. The extraordinarily rare interview with one or more of their members was looked upon by the "band" as a great opportunity to make themselves even more hated and feared.
They were the GG Allin of percussion ensembles.
But they were also rabidly intelligent, making them even more impossible to pin down and categorize.
Adoracion De Rotura Violenta. If you ever see "A.D.R.V.", count your lucky stars that you're likely in a former haunt of the group. They placed their faith in one thing: perceived chaos. And the emphasis is on the first word of that phrase, considering the fact that there *is* order to the universe, though the human race likely won't be around long enough to thoroughly comprehend it.
The exemplary filmmaker Werner Herzog made an accurate summation of their faith when, in the film "Grizzly Man", he declared, "I believe the common denominator of the universe is not harmony, but chaos, hostility, and murder."
And there is no reason the members of ADRV chose to make the damnable racket they made, other than the simple fact that they could. And there's no reason such a group was determined to beautify ugliness, other than the fact that, like it or not, some of us simply prefer the world's underbelly to the white picket fence.
Count me in, motherfucker.
[ Also playing in Demon Tribe Hollow... Avon by Queens Of The Stone Age from Queens Of The Stone Age ]