Happy New Year SG Land! I stayed home like a loser last night, but I am still recovering from the party and shoot I did the night before so I just consider throwin my party a little early LOL. Its all good. I keep noticing all these blogs and bulletins and emails and such about people recollecting everything that happened in 2008. Ive always been one to be brutally honest and, quite frankly, 2008 was the worst fucking year of my life. Thank FUCK its FINALLY OVER!
My resolution: To try being more optimistic this year. Keyword: Optimism...
Pronunciation [op-tuh-miz-uh m]
1. a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
2. the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.
3. the belief that goodness pervades reality.
4. the doctrine that the existing world is the best of all possible worlds.
Even though by definition my being more optimisitc would completely contradict my theory of where the world is headed during our lifetime... but that's another really looong story for another day.
Moving on
Ill admit Im one of those nerds who cant start the day without reading my daily horoscope and tarot reading in my email. It gives me a sense of feeling prepared for the day. Sometimes they are completely bogus, but Id say 60-80% of the time theyre vague enough to be accurate or at least strike some note and I frequently write about them in my journals, so, being the new year and all, I wanted to share the stars predictions for me in my blog as well
Today's Outlook:
Happy New Year and welcome to 2009! There is a feeling that something is different now as Mercury the Messenger moves into futuristic Aquarius. Although there are still four planets lagging back in traditional Capricorn, our thoughts are no longer tethered to the past. The imaginative Pisces Moon forms a supportive sextile with the Capricorn Sun, helping us to lower unnecessary boundaries and to lessen our temptation to make harsh judgments.
My thoughts: Blah, blah, blah, then the very last lines say, Damn it woman, lighten the fuck up!
Your horoscope for January 1, 2009
You might find yourself just wanting to stick to the couch today, Kayla. This is fine. Don't even get up if you don't want to. You are probably better off just sticking close to home and enjoying a good video tonight. If people ask you how you are doing, give them an honest answer. Others will be able to see right through you so don't try to hide your feelings. Express them. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.
My thoughts: Whom so ever this job belongs to update this one fucked up because it said the same damn thing yesterday, but coincidentally it was fitting to my laziness for both days so I leave it alone and dont complain too much.
Daily Tarot Reading:
Family ties and marital obligations feel like a heavy burden on your shoulders today, and this is somewhat highlighted by the Fool and Death. You're close to just drop everything, just to get a few hours of peace and solitude, dear Kayla. Why can't people just leave you in peace for once? Well, you may have to tell them! But say it politely, with flowers even, and you have a much better chance of success. In the professional sphere, you are going through a period of change. The alliance between the Star and the Fool indicates a certain discomfort linked to an overflow of creativity that you find difficult to keep under control. You have a tendency to go off in too many directions at the same time, or take on too many projects all at once - without then being above to complete any one of them satisfactorily. It would be best if you could concentrate on what you have actually been asked to do rather than give in to your wild imagination.
My thoughts: Fuck yes! Shut the hell up imagination! I need to get these 5,000 unfinished projects laying around cluttering up my space finished! I annoy myself when I start new projects without finishing others. It creates unnecessary stress and just adds more shit to my forever-and-ever-long to-do list.
Daily Planetary Overview
Today, Mercury will enter Aquarius, ushering in a month of full of radical ideas, innovation, and experimentation. Several planets will be in this sign in January, making this time exciting and full of new opportunities. Break from your routine.
My thoughts: God bless it. Guess Im not escaping from the imagination as quickly as I had hoped this better be worth it.
Your Horoscope - January 2009
Get busy on the weekend of January 3 and put your New Year's resolutions to the test. Take action on your personal initiatives even though it will be hard for you to get going. On January 7 and 8 participate in discussions and attend meetings. Your input will be valuable. A Full Moon in Cancer on January 10 will intensify emotions and bring up painful issues from the past or your childhood. Get ready for a few tears. Mercury will turn retrograde in Aquarius on January 11 until early February. Watch out for problems with data, technology, and electronic media. Also, you might have misunderstandings with others or fail to receive important messages this month. January 12 will be a day full of fun and excitement. You might get some good news or have a creative inspiration. The Moon in your sign on January 16 and 17 will bring excellent conversation and good company. Connect with your friends and get together. Take a short trip on January 20 even if it's just across town. It will give you a nice break from routine. Your workload will be intense on January 23, so get plenty of rest. You'll be optimistic and goal oriented, though. Give up personal plans to concentrate on getting organized at work or home on January 24. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on January 26 will help you master technology and work on new goals over the coming months. Don't be afraid to push yourself beyond your limits.
My thoughts: Sounds like January is going to be a busy, productive month for me.
Going back to work, for one
Working on more projects at once than anyone in their right mind should
Many, many events planned to fix some of the things that got fucked up in 2008
Im determined to make this a good year in spite of the shit falling down around me.
Daily Tarot Card of the Day: IV of Swords
It is time to stop and smell the roses, to take some time alone and to gather one's thoughts when the Four of Swords is present. Often, during a period of rapid pace or high activity, what is most needed is time to halt and observe. A suspension of activity for a while allows for time to think things over. This card is a reminder to pause and reflect rather than making quick decisions while on the move. Shift focus inward and reflect on what is happening. This card can also be a prompt to tie up loose ends and prepare for the future. Consider the projects that are on the go and make moves to wrap them up. Unfinished business in relationships also applies. Seek resolution to any challenges there are. Bring peace to the scene. In the reversed position there is something interfering with the balance in life. Energy, through a situation or a person, is preventing equilibrium and personal reflection. Strive to determine what specifically is in the way, and find a way to settle the situation.
My thoughts: I pretty much expected this. Every time I start a new job I kind of withdraw into myself for awhile and absorb myself in my work and studies. Im already very aware of the many things that are in my way and preventing the peace and balance necessary for sanity. Just have to work on modifying or removing them now.
Im still trying to get rid of the 99 Mitsu Eclipse that Ive bitched about forever. I posted it in the Swap Meet Group, click here to check it out. Feel free to pass ithe word on if you know anyone that may be interested.
My resolution: To try being more optimistic this year. Keyword: Optimism...
Pronunciation [op-tuh-miz-uh m]
1. a disposition or tendency to look on the more favorable side of events or conditions and to expect the most favorable outcome.
2. the belief that good ultimately predominates over evil in the world.
3. the belief that goodness pervades reality.
4. the doctrine that the existing world is the best of all possible worlds.
Even though by definition my being more optimisitc would completely contradict my theory of where the world is headed during our lifetime... but that's another really looong story for another day.
Moving on
Ill admit Im one of those nerds who cant start the day without reading my daily horoscope and tarot reading in my email. It gives me a sense of feeling prepared for the day. Sometimes they are completely bogus, but Id say 60-80% of the time theyre vague enough to be accurate or at least strike some note and I frequently write about them in my journals, so, being the new year and all, I wanted to share the stars predictions for me in my blog as well

Today's Outlook:
Happy New Year and welcome to 2009! There is a feeling that something is different now as Mercury the Messenger moves into futuristic Aquarius. Although there are still four planets lagging back in traditional Capricorn, our thoughts are no longer tethered to the past. The imaginative Pisces Moon forms a supportive sextile with the Capricorn Sun, helping us to lower unnecessary boundaries and to lessen our temptation to make harsh judgments.
My thoughts: Blah, blah, blah, then the very last lines say, Damn it woman, lighten the fuck up!
Your horoscope for January 1, 2009
You might find yourself just wanting to stick to the couch today, Kayla. This is fine. Don't even get up if you don't want to. You are probably better off just sticking close to home and enjoying a good video tonight. If people ask you how you are doing, give them an honest answer. Others will be able to see right through you so don't try to hide your feelings. Express them. Today is a good day to say how you really feel.
My thoughts: Whom so ever this job belongs to update this one fucked up because it said the same damn thing yesterday, but coincidentally it was fitting to my laziness for both days so I leave it alone and dont complain too much.
Daily Tarot Reading:
Family ties and marital obligations feel like a heavy burden on your shoulders today, and this is somewhat highlighted by the Fool and Death. You're close to just drop everything, just to get a few hours of peace and solitude, dear Kayla. Why can't people just leave you in peace for once? Well, you may have to tell them! But say it politely, with flowers even, and you have a much better chance of success. In the professional sphere, you are going through a period of change. The alliance between the Star and the Fool indicates a certain discomfort linked to an overflow of creativity that you find difficult to keep under control. You have a tendency to go off in too many directions at the same time, or take on too many projects all at once - without then being above to complete any one of them satisfactorily. It would be best if you could concentrate on what you have actually been asked to do rather than give in to your wild imagination.
My thoughts: Fuck yes! Shut the hell up imagination! I need to get these 5,000 unfinished projects laying around cluttering up my space finished! I annoy myself when I start new projects without finishing others. It creates unnecessary stress and just adds more shit to my forever-and-ever-long to-do list.
Daily Planetary Overview
Today, Mercury will enter Aquarius, ushering in a month of full of radical ideas, innovation, and experimentation. Several planets will be in this sign in January, making this time exciting and full of new opportunities. Break from your routine.
My thoughts: God bless it. Guess Im not escaping from the imagination as quickly as I had hoped this better be worth it.
Your Horoscope - January 2009
Get busy on the weekend of January 3 and put your New Year's resolutions to the test. Take action on your personal initiatives even though it will be hard for you to get going. On January 7 and 8 participate in discussions and attend meetings. Your input will be valuable. A Full Moon in Cancer on January 10 will intensify emotions and bring up painful issues from the past or your childhood. Get ready for a few tears. Mercury will turn retrograde in Aquarius on January 11 until early February. Watch out for problems with data, technology, and electronic media. Also, you might have misunderstandings with others or fail to receive important messages this month. January 12 will be a day full of fun and excitement. You might get some good news or have a creative inspiration. The Moon in your sign on January 16 and 17 will bring excellent conversation and good company. Connect with your friends and get together. Take a short trip on January 20 even if it's just across town. It will give you a nice break from routine. Your workload will be intense on January 23, so get plenty of rest. You'll be optimistic and goal oriented, though. Give up personal plans to concentrate on getting organized at work or home on January 24. A New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius on January 26 will help you master technology and work on new goals over the coming months. Don't be afraid to push yourself beyond your limits.
My thoughts: Sounds like January is going to be a busy, productive month for me.
Going back to work, for one
Working on more projects at once than anyone in their right mind should
Many, many events planned to fix some of the things that got fucked up in 2008
Im determined to make this a good year in spite of the shit falling down around me.
Daily Tarot Card of the Day: IV of Swords
It is time to stop and smell the roses, to take some time alone and to gather one's thoughts when the Four of Swords is present. Often, during a period of rapid pace or high activity, what is most needed is time to halt and observe. A suspension of activity for a while allows for time to think things over. This card is a reminder to pause and reflect rather than making quick decisions while on the move. Shift focus inward and reflect on what is happening. This card can also be a prompt to tie up loose ends and prepare for the future. Consider the projects that are on the go and make moves to wrap them up. Unfinished business in relationships also applies. Seek resolution to any challenges there are. Bring peace to the scene. In the reversed position there is something interfering with the balance in life. Energy, through a situation or a person, is preventing equilibrium and personal reflection. Strive to determine what specifically is in the way, and find a way to settle the situation.
My thoughts: I pretty much expected this. Every time I start a new job I kind of withdraw into myself for awhile and absorb myself in my work and studies. Im already very aware of the many things that are in my way and preventing the peace and balance necessary for sanity. Just have to work on modifying or removing them now.
Im still trying to get rid of the 99 Mitsu Eclipse that Ive bitched about forever. I posted it in the Swap Meet Group, click here to check it out. Feel free to pass ithe word on if you know anyone that may be interested.
The new set we just worked on the other night is in the process of being photoshopped. I was really excited about how well it went though. To set the mood: click here to check out this song. Ive kind of adopted it as my unofficial theme song.
Even my beautiful Duchess got to participate a bit, she moves way too much which caused a LOT of blurr, shame, but it was a good time all the same.
Ok, wrapping up the verbal diarrhea now. Hope you all have a fabulous New Year!
Thanks but actually every thing else in my life is going very good for me now.I wish you a happy weekend my friend!!Awsome Dime Bag guitar!!

Thanks for the tip on the ink, I was leaning that way as well. Love your serpent!