I'm slackin big time... can't believe it's been over a month since I posted a new blog - so here it goes...
-I think it's safe to say I'm no longer MIA. All of the factors that were creating all of the disappearing acts, well let's just say they've been handled.
-During the whole MIA from SG land the other project finally went live... for those of you who were waiting on updates about HCH, yes, finally LIVE woot woot! Mad props to Adam and Jen for all their hard work and dedication not to mention all the lovely ladies 

-Riddick has been up to his usual cold weather antics again, breaking out of his cage on a regular basis and insisting on free roam of the house... kind of hard to argue with a 15' python but I must say he's better than a guard dog LOL
-Speaking of Riddick, we have a new photog that's wanting to add a lttle reptilian experience to his portfolio so I'm sure we'll be posting some new footage SOON!! YAY
-Lazy ass me FINALLY got a decent job - WHAT?! - Yeah I know, amazing right? So as of the New Year I'll be back to the chaotically busy Lady I'm used to being 
Okay, I think that's all the major updates... brain is kinda fried with all the craziness of the holidays... I can't believe Christmas is almost here already. Only 5 more days!!! Still time to check out that xmas wishlist I've gotten a bit behind on my emails this past week since I had a nasty case of the flu but as I get caught up everyone who has sent wishlist gifts can certainly be expecting very special thank you photos!! To you awesome peoples whom I've already thanked, once again I can't thank you enough!!! Your support means the world to me!

OH, one final note - I never thought I'd say this, but I have to admit the government has finally done something right... All I can say is medical grade G13... WOWzers I actually spoke the words "I'm not sure if I can move" after laughing so hard for like 2 straight hours my stomach and back hurt... I may have even visited another planet last night, what a wild fucking ride on this crazy roller coaster we call life!
Later taters!

Okay, I think that's all the major updates... brain is kinda fried with all the craziness of the holidays... I can't believe Christmas is almost here already. Only 5 more days!!! Still time to check out that xmas wishlist I've gotten a bit behind on my emails this past week since I had a nasty case of the flu but as I get caught up everyone who has sent wishlist gifts can certainly be expecting very special thank you photos!! To you awesome peoples whom I've already thanked, once again I can't thank you enough!!! Your support means the world to me!

OH, one final note - I never thought I'd say this, but I have to admit the government has finally done something right... All I can say is medical grade G13... WOWzers I actually spoke the words "I'm not sure if I can move" after laughing so hard for like 2 straight hours my stomach and back hurt... I may have even visited another planet last night, what a wild fucking ride on this crazy roller coaster we call life!

Later taters!
Happy holidays