Believe it or not I made it to Chicago and back, without any delays or mishaps on Friday. Both flights went smoothly, my first cabbie was an immigrant from Ecuador who tried his best to convince me that I needed to move to Chicago (LMFAO - hellz no!) and the cabbi on the way back to the airport about gave me a fucking heart attack driving like a ferret on crystal meth or something. But hey, I made it there and back in one piece so I guess I can't complain too much.
Even though I rreally don't like the doctor that I went to see, he was very cooperative with me this time. We got all of my medication adjusted so all the fucking bizarre side-effects should be eliminated now or at least not nearly as drastic as they were. The biggy was the fact that the right side of my body gets about 7 degrees colder than the left because my circulation was all fucked up from a combination of blood thinners and one of the preventatives. We'll see if the change in dosage helps... He also gave me a wonderful feel good shot in the ass LOL, before I knew it I was done in his office, and found myself dog sitting some stranger's golden retriever outside of a Chicago Starbucks while I enjoyed this funky little banana-mango protein smoothie thing. Random, I know. Coincidentally the dog's name was Xander, same as my male Columbian Redtail Boa.
Completely different subject: My birthday is almost here and I'm finally getting excited about it! 4 days and counting...
For anyone who feels so inclined... my wishlist is always a good bet, I should have mentioned this before... there are a ton of books on there, please don't waste your money on rband new amazon books, used are fine. I read A LOT and go through books very quickly, barely have time to notice if they're new or used in the first place.
I'm thinking we're gonna try for a lil party saturday the 18th, but nothing is set in stone. For those of you that know me, you probably know how bad I am about procrastinating. My events are always better when organized spontaneously and at the last possible minute. So tenatively, Saturday the 18th - pencil it in!
Update on the CAR FOR SALE: 2 days left on the eBay Motors listing. Go check it out: '99 Mitsu Eclipse
I know I'm getting tired of posting about this fucking thing and ya'll are probably getting tired of reading about. So let's hope it sells! I'm keepin my fingers crosses, it'll definately be a huge weight off my shoulders in more ways than one.
For shits and giggles I'm gonna leave you with a quote:
Even though I rreally don't like the doctor that I went to see, he was very cooperative with me this time. We got all of my medication adjusted so all the fucking bizarre side-effects should be eliminated now or at least not nearly as drastic as they were. The biggy was the fact that the right side of my body gets about 7 degrees colder than the left because my circulation was all fucked up from a combination of blood thinners and one of the preventatives. We'll see if the change in dosage helps... He also gave me a wonderful feel good shot in the ass LOL, before I knew it I was done in his office, and found myself dog sitting some stranger's golden retriever outside of a Chicago Starbucks while I enjoyed this funky little banana-mango protein smoothie thing. Random, I know. Coincidentally the dog's name was Xander, same as my male Columbian Redtail Boa.

Completely different subject: My birthday is almost here and I'm finally getting excited about it! 4 days and counting...

I'm thinking we're gonna try for a lil party saturday the 18th, but nothing is set in stone. For those of you that know me, you probably know how bad I am about procrastinating. My events are always better when organized spontaneously and at the last possible minute. So tenatively, Saturday the 18th - pencil it in!
Update on the CAR FOR SALE: 2 days left on the eBay Motors listing. Go check it out: '99 Mitsu Eclipse
I know I'm getting tired of posting about this fucking thing and ya'll are probably getting tired of reading about. So let's hope it sells! I'm keepin my fingers crosses, it'll definately be a huge weight off my shoulders in more ways than one.
For shits and giggles I'm gonna leave you with a quote:
The insane, on occasion, are not without their charms.
-Kurt Vonnegut, The Sirens of Titan