Considering the rest of the shoot didn't turn out so hot due to really shitty lighting I have no idea where this one came from... I'm guessing the flash didn't go off and the only light was from the candles... which, funny story... clumsy Rocketman managed to dump that entire thing of hot wax on my nakedness by the end of the shoot. No one should ever allow that man within a 50 foot radius a lit candles EVER.
On a different note, my insomnia-induced impulsive eBaying paid off quite nicely. Accordingly to the tracking info my most recent purchases should be here tomorrow and I just couldn't wait to share with everyone so here's a sneak peak...
Yes, I paid waaay too much for the boots, but that happens when you have a shoe fetish like mine. I'm just considering the boots my early birthday present to myself Speaking of which... my birthday IS coming up very soon
So far I'm still debating on whether or not to throw a big birthday bash or not, but I'll get details posted ASAP if we pull something together it will most likely be either Friday Oct 17th or Sat Oct 18th (bday is the 16th but no one every shows to mid-week parties). Support a broke biznitch's shoe fetish! wishlist Going back to the party idea, probably leaning towards a hairy buffalo and bonfire type ordeal... been way too long since I've thrown I good hair buff party... could get ugly
Hold up! Got so side-tracked talkin about shoes I almost forgot... the whole reason I wanted to post the eBay crap I bought was for suggestions. Doing a trial run with a new photog (hopefully) this weekend or at the latest sometime next week. Since I got such crappy feedback on the set with the snake, thought I'd ask for some suggestion on what ya'll would like to see. Must admit, there's still gonna be a few shots with the snakes, but definately not as many since that didn't seem to be a hit. Let's see what you creative minds have to offer...