I think I'm finally past the bitter revenge-seeking stage in regards to my dumbass ex. Still haven't gotten rid of the car, but I find myself caring less each day about matters involving him. I'm finally able to relax and smile more without worrying what else is going to go wrong.
Like I said not too long ago, everything has been falling into place on it's own. School is going well. I've picked up a few odd jobs to make ends meet in between hospital visits and short trips. I'm head to Baltimore, Maryland here in about 2 weeks for a weekend trip and then the following week I'll be back in Chicago.
It's nice to be able to get away from home for a change but not be away for months on end like I used to be. So the big move out to So Cal got delayed a bit because of all the medical crap, but that's okay. I came to terms with that. Decided it was probably for the best. Granted I'll have to deal with one more crappy Ohio winter and grumpy cold reptiles, but they'll get over it as will I.
I've been spending a lot more time writing since it started cooling off... thinking and writing I suppose I should say.... it's therapeutic to an extent... my thinking posture:
Kinda crazy how that pic turned out, you can see my fake ass clouds on my ceiling and the real clouds out the window, gives a whole new meaning to "up in the clouds" haha.
Went to the reptile show this weekend... almost bought Riddick a new girlfriend. She was soooooo pretty. I'm kicking my own ass for not buying her now, but I did the responsible thing and paid bills instead
*sigh* anyway, she was a gorgeous lil super tiger retic, probably only a few months old, really healthy though. My compromise was that she'll be my birthday present to myself if she's at the show next month
::fingers crossed:: hopefully they bring her back next month...
Princess Kitty Kali had her THIRD litter of kittens for 2008 during that crazy wind storm last week...
She's such a whore... what freakiin cat get's knocked up 3 times in one year?!? Anyway, I now have the worst fuk'n batch of poison ivy EVER because she decided to have them way back in a brush pile that was nothing but poison ivy and guess who had to go fish them out before the storm hit... me. Fuckin cat is lucky I have a big heart.... I'm not very happy about the poison ivy bullshit.
I'm rambling because I can't sleep. Insomnia is a bitch. I've only been sleeping about 4-5 hours a night... if I'm lucky. Been having a lot of really wild dreams and waking myself up yelling or kicking/fighting/flailing... wondering what the fuck I was trying to fight off in my dream?!
One more pic for shits n giggles...
Like I said not too long ago, everything has been falling into place on it's own. School is going well. I've picked up a few odd jobs to make ends meet in between hospital visits and short trips. I'm head to Baltimore, Maryland here in about 2 weeks for a weekend trip and then the following week I'll be back in Chicago.
It's nice to be able to get away from home for a change but not be away for months on end like I used to be. So the big move out to So Cal got delayed a bit because of all the medical crap, but that's okay. I came to terms with that. Decided it was probably for the best. Granted I'll have to deal with one more crappy Ohio winter and grumpy cold reptiles, but they'll get over it as will I.
I've been spending a lot more time writing since it started cooling off... thinking and writing I suppose I should say.... it's therapeutic to an extent... my thinking posture:

Kinda crazy how that pic turned out, you can see my fake ass clouds on my ceiling and the real clouds out the window, gives a whole new meaning to "up in the clouds" haha.
Went to the reptile show this weekend... almost bought Riddick a new girlfriend. She was soooooo pretty. I'm kicking my own ass for not buying her now, but I did the responsible thing and paid bills instead

Princess Kitty Kali had her THIRD litter of kittens for 2008 during that crazy wind storm last week...

I'm rambling because I can't sleep. Insomnia is a bitch. I've only been sleeping about 4-5 hours a night... if I'm lucky. Been having a lot of really wild dreams and waking myself up yelling or kicking/fighting/flailing... wondering what the fuck I was trying to fight off in my dream?!

One more pic for shits n giggles...

My cat's a whore too. She just had kittens in June and now she's pregnant again! We just brought her brother in to get fixed today.
sounds like some crazy times, not bad tho, i like the cloud pic