OH my goodness, f*kn CHAOS at it's FINEST!!!!
Ya'll are the greatest! I can't thank everyone enough for all the supporting messages and comments I got while in Chicago. Not to mention the reading material. You're all going to get personal thank you's as I get caught up, don't think I'm that impersonal, just not caught up yet. Thank you thank youy thank you I can't say it enough!!!
Super excited to see my set go live this morning. Believe it or not my biologic alarm clock went off rather abruptly at like 5:20am and there was no going back to sleep at ALL until I got up and check my messages, lame I know, but to my surprise and of course delight I already had good feedback! YAY!
Looking forward to what everyone has to say over the rest of the weekend, keeping my fingers crossed... more updates later!
Ya'll are the greatest! I can't thank everyone enough for all the supporting messages and comments I got while in Chicago. Not to mention the reading material. You're all going to get personal thank you's as I get caught up, don't think I'm that impersonal, just not caught up yet. Thank you thank youy thank you I can't say it enough!!!
Super excited to see my set go live this morning. Believe it or not my biologic alarm clock went off rather abruptly at like 5:20am and there was no going back to sleep at ALL until I got up and check my messages, lame I know, but to my surprise and of course delight I already had good feedback! YAY!
Looking forward to what everyone has to say over the rest of the weekend, keeping my fingers crossed... more updates later!
Yay for the set going live and so happy to hear from you again 

You're so pretty! You just need a little more practice, and I think you will make it to the front page