Hot damn! Monet's new set is so frickin' hot. She just exudes sexiness and confidence. I love that. She looks like she could do some serious ass-kicking.
Rasputina is coming to Portland again. Yeay! I think my exams will be finished in time for me to go. This pleases me greatly. Now I just have to find someone to go with. I bought two tickets out of habit. I was just going to go alone but I then I bought two because I was tired and not paying attention. Oh well. If I can't find someone fun to go with I'm sure I can craiglist them.
School will be over soon! Yes! 2/3 down + one bar exam + MPRE and I will be a lawyer. (Note: I'm making a huge a assumption about passing the bar and graduating.
I probably shouldn't be making these assumptions.)
Off to doctor and studying now. I hope y'all have fun the next two weekends. Do something wild and write about it so that I can live vicariously through you
Two more weeks and I promise that I'll stop begging for vicarious living. I shall just start doing it myself. Weeeeeeeeeeee! I can't wait.
Rasputina is coming to Portland again. Yeay! I think my exams will be finished in time for me to go. This pleases me greatly. Now I just have to find someone to go with. I bought two tickets out of habit. I was just going to go alone but I then I bought two because I was tired and not paying attention. Oh well. If I can't find someone fun to go with I'm sure I can craiglist them.
School will be over soon! Yes! 2/3 down + one bar exam + MPRE and I will be a lawyer. (Note: I'm making a huge a assumption about passing the bar and graduating.

Off to doctor and studying now. I hope y'all have fun the next two weekends. Do something wild and write about it so that I can live vicariously through you
Two more weeks and I promise that I'll stop begging for vicarious living. I shall just start doing it myself. Weeeeeeeeeeee! I can't wait.
you are getting closer... bar exam and mpre are the tough part the school seems to be a given at this point. Grats!
Good luck with everything coming up. Sound like the hard part is left though.