Big warm fuzzy hugs to all of you who have been so sweet about my moping. I don't want to say that things are looking up because I am afraid that I'll jinx things.
I seem to be all over the map these days. Emotions up and down. I am just trying to enjoy the up right now. I'm afraid that the down is always around the corner. Hrm. Oh well.
I'm looking forward to going out by myself tonight. It will be the first time in a long time that I have gone to do anything alone. But fuck it. I really want to go and I should be (and I think I am learning to be) beyond needing a date or a buddy to go out.
I hope everyone in SG ville is doing well. It is so nice to see so many supportive and sweet comments. Smooches right back at 'ya.
Or if you didn't smooch, I'm smooching at you anyway.
I seem to be all over the map these days. Emotions up and down. I am just trying to enjoy the up right now. I'm afraid that the down is always around the corner. Hrm. Oh well.
I'm looking forward to going out by myself tonight. It will be the first time in a long time that I have gone to do anything alone. But fuck it. I really want to go and I should be (and I think I am learning to be) beyond needing a date or a buddy to go out.
I hope everyone in SG ville is doing well. It is so nice to see so many supportive and sweet comments. Smooches right back at 'ya.
Or if you didn't smooch, I'm smooching at you anyway.

I was browsing around and came across your journal. Hello!

Going out on your own can be great. You can do what ever you want.