I am so fucking sick of being lonely. Where is my fucking life? I think I've forgotten what sex is like. This sucks. I have no time for a relationship, but I have time late at night for sex. Why can't I be a guy and just have a latenight fuckbuddy?
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
I talked to my ex-fiance - who I haven't talked to in years - on the … -
Sunday Jan 09, 2005
I am intermittently watching the KU vs. UK game and fucking around on… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
Copied from supercool Slie's journal A) First, recommend to me: … -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
Finally added new shorn head pics to journal. I have food and no hair… -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
Yeay! I will finally cook tonight. I fought the crowds of after work … -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
Do you ever wish you had a taperecorder in your head? Sometimes I wis… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
I'm so fucking sick of waiting for someone to get back to me. -
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
I am now accepting applications for people to join my zombie army. O… -
Tuesday Dec 07, 2004
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the groovy folks who sent m… -
Sunday Dec 05, 2004
Why, why, why do men not get that women have needs too?! Yes, women…
ive never known what a relationship/having someone there etc. was like even on a friendship level in truth......
id cling to whomever would even let me be a tagalong to be manipulated just because.....
as for sex.....
i still know what my hand is like.....
or a gal i find insidious hideous and having abad temper. thats it. heh.
and i dont even remember how THAT felt (thankfully i guess)