I miss flesh pressed against mine. This whole career business is sucking the life out of me. Another day tomorrow at the library and another night barely awake and not quite asleep, wondering where I've gone.
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
I talked to my ex-fiance - who I haven't talked to in years - on the … -
Sunday Jan 09, 2005
I am intermittently watching the KU vs. UK game and fucking around on… -
Wednesday Jan 05, 2005
Copied from supercool Slie's journal A) First, recommend to me: … -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
Finally added new shorn head pics to journal. I have food and no hair… -
Tuesday Jan 04, 2005
Yeay! I will finally cook tonight. I fought the crowds of after work … -
Friday Dec 17, 2004
Do you ever wish you had a taperecorder in your head? Sometimes I wis… -
Saturday Dec 11, 2004
I'm so fucking sick of waiting for someone to get back to me. -
Thursday Dec 09, 2004
I am now accepting applications for people to join my zombie army. O… -
Tuesday Dec 07, 2004
Thank you, thank you, thank you to all of the groovy folks who sent m… -
Sunday Dec 05, 2004
Why, why, why do men not get that women have needs too?! Yes, women…