I miss flesh pressed against mine. This whole career business is sucking the life out of me. Another day tomorrow at the library and another night barely awake and not quite asleep, wondering where I've gone.
More Blogs
Friday Mar 25, 2005
I need more cuddling in my life. -
Tuesday Mar 22, 2005
The second day of Spring Break has started. Woo! Not really woo. I… -
Tuesday Mar 08, 2005
Ugh. Much to update. Not enough time now. Must update later. I am… -
Friday Feb 25, 2005
Do you ever not miss someone, but miss what they gave to you? I'm ha… -
Wednesday Feb 23, 2005
I am so tired all the time. I can't even function on less than seven… -
Friday Feb 18, 2005
Marijuana and herion are both schedule I narcotics. Methaphetamine is… -
Monday Feb 14, 2005
I would like cats and dogs for Valentine's Day. Unfortunately, random… -
Sunday Feb 13, 2005
I finally made an Amazon wishlist. Unfortunately, my wishlist doesn'… -
Saturday Feb 12, 2005
I am of the opinion that someone on my list was cool enough to drop m… -
Friday Feb 11, 2005
I like cheese.