Okay. So just the other day I'm standing behind the Customer Service desk when this really old woman comes up holding one of our plastic bags. I step forward and I ask her if there is anything I can help her with. She proceeds to pull a package of immitation crab meat out of her bag. She pointedly turns it around so that I can read it and says, " Mamm, I'd like a refund." to which I respond by asking her if there was anything wrong with the product or maybe would she like an exchange. She replies "No." and goes on to explain that she didn't want it because it didn't specify what kind of crab it was. Confused, I ask her to explain what she means by this. "Is this snow crab meat? Dungeness? King crab? It doesn't say what kind of crab it's immitating!" I promise you it took every ounce of control I had not to laugh. I spent the next ten minutes trying to explain exactly what immitation crab meat was, how it's made, and that it doesn't 'immitate' any particular type of crab. Needless to say I refunded the little ol' thing her money and spent the rest of the day with a permanent smile. I hope that when I get to be her age, I only make silly mistakes like that.