It's weird. I can't seem to follow my own advice. Tomorrow, unfortunately- is my birthday. Today Keith took me shopping. Not bad for a birthday gift. Too easy though. Anyone who has known me for an hour could tell you that I love to shop. But who could tell you what my favorite flower is? My favorite band? Food?? Tomorrow will be a day like every other day. No ballons, no flowers, no cake. And I will smile at it all, because it is the only thing I can do.
Expectations can kill.
happy birthday x
I loved that comment
well fucking said!!! its funny because he called me today and said he was sorry, had this long conversation about all the shit thats been going down with him and our situation. Im such a nice person that i forgave him and everything is cool now. I just hate drama and would just love to put all that behind me. Trust me though, he will NEVER be a close friend....ever. and yes!!! the easy button....if only in real life.