ARRR!!! !!!
Is it just me, or is anyone else not able to send messages through the CONTACT tab??
This having to continually leave messages through comments is a little annoying....
Someone hit me up with some info!!
Hello.......Hope you are doing well today........And I have no clue about your problem....sorry. smile
Yeah, I'm having the same problem. I added you on myspace so yeah. Check it because tonight is my last night on SG and I messaged you. Have a good one. kiss
nice pictures love !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! really hot !!! .... well i am off to get ready for my date
Have a great weekend darling. Where did you find a tank? I picked up a 2007 season pass to the Georgia Aquarium. Have to drag you out there sometime...
Expectations; See also Guarunteed Dissapointment.

Well. Here I am again. Though I knew this path would stop somewhere, in the back of my mind I guess I didn't expect it to dead-end as abrubtly as it did. But you see, that's the underlying problem with EXPECTATIONS. Friendships usually begin like most types of unions begin. You meet someone, at some point ASSUME that you know...
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hmm. i had feelings similar to these when i was going through my divorce. only after the separation/divorce did i realize that she had either changed into a completely diffrent person or hid who she really was.
i am at a point of who and when i might possibly trust or rely on again. i have put myself in a position where i am so busy, i am hoping time will relieve what contemplation can not.
Props for the decals. Looking sharp.
Hey, hows it going? Saw your new pictures of your car and they look great. Listen, we are having a party this weekend and I wanted to invite you. My film instructor is hosting a wrap party for his movie and I was wondering if you wanted to come. There will be drinks so yeah. I could drive or we could meet somewhere. I'm not sure of the location as of yet but I will find out tonight for yah. Talk to you soon. biggrin
miao!! My boyfriend has a small project buisness on the side where he does vinyl lettering and decals for cars, sportbikes and company cars. He also signs and store fronts. I had him make some bad-ass decals for my car biggrin ! The top of my rear windshield has my name and the bottom says SUICIDEDGIRLS biggrin . It looks pretty damn cool if I do say so...
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Hey.....glad your doing well.... smile
we needs pics tongue
smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek smile eeek

I finally have my own car!! And I did it without any help!! I'm so proud of myself. Too bad though.....I was getting in shape riding that bike everywhere!!
Yeah, we should all hang out somwhere. Dont worry about the movie thing. He is wrapping up shooting for Act I on Saturday and Sunday. Act II should begin in April or so. Then Act III should start after that. So there will always be more times. smile
Geez im so sorry. I woke up late. fell asleep all day on and off. ate some chicken nuggets. I didnt even leave my house. Can i make it up to you??
smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile smile
So, I feel better today......much better. Upside to being heart-broken?? 10 lbs weight loss!!
I've also come to realize that my heart belongs to me. I'm the one who lets it break or encourages it to let people in. Today is a new day.................
oooo your trying out?? let me know if you need any help or anything.
Awesome then. If you want to check out the movie's website, click here. Also, you can check out my film instructor's myspace here to watch trailers. I will post more details later on when I get them so keep on the lookout. smile
I feel empty. Like a cardboard box. One that's been flattened and thrown away like so much trash. In between the sobs that spasm through my body, I can feel my heart giving up. And when I see you or hear your voice it feels like a soda can collasping under the pressure of a thousand oceans. I wish it would stop beating. I wish....
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frown Well, it's official. It's over. It hurts and I'm angry as hell but it needed to be done. It's my fault because I allowed myself to settle for less than what I deserve. It's okay though. I know I'll do better the next go round. I'll have much higher expectations the next time. frown
aw im sorry frown
this is to do with a relationship? the best thing to do when things come to an end is to take the time to get to know yourself without that person. You might find you like yourself better with out them anyway kiss
ooo aaa Okay. So just the other day I'm standing behind the Customer Service desk when this really old woman comes up holding one of our plastic bags. I step forward and I ask her if there is anything I can help her with. She proceeds to pull a package of immitation crab meat out of her bag. She pointedly turns it around so that I can...
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hehe...that just makes me smile.
lol thats hilarious smile
Anything Me.

I wish I could erase you
deface you,
Close these eyes at the fade of day

I would like so much to hate you
immitate you,
Close these eyes and see you blown away

by anything.....

I don't know if I can leave here
without fear,
Closing my eyes and touching my veins

I'm sure it soon will be clear
another fallen hot...
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eventually you will grow the thickest skin that no one can penetrate. that is when you feel true bliss and emptyness in an all in one shop.
frown Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.....................

It's weird. I can't seem to follow my own advice. Tomorrow, unfortunately- is my birthday. Today Keith took me shopping. Not bad for a birthday gift. Too easy though. Anyone who has known me for an hour could tell you that I love to shop. But who could tell you what my favorite flower is? My favorite band? Food?? Tomorrow will be a day...
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happy birthday x
I loved that comment biggrin well fucking said!!! its funny because he called me today and said he was sorry, had this long conversation about all the shit thats been going down with him and our situation. Im such a nice person that i forgave him and everything is cool now. I just hate drama and would just love to put all that behind me. Trust me though, he will NEVER be a close friend....ever. and yes!!! the easy button....if only in real life.