I hope you all are well.
We leave ina week or so. Later than we were told. I was told it might have internet and phones which is very good. I like to have contact with my family.
I did have a horrible dream today. I was on a mision in a safe town. I drove a humvee and waited for my company. when they came another person drove. The road ahead was full of traffic. I got out to clear it so we could leave. Some garbage guys came and talked to me. One wanted to promote his business to the army. The other told the first guy to leave it alone. I told them i couldn't help them and they left. I was in the middle of the street stopping traffic in complete body armor. Four very hot girls walked by me but gave me a wierd look, being polite i stepped out of thier way. The last one was carrying a white plastic bag and broke off the group and came straight towards me. I knew this was wierd and stopped in place. I thought she had something to tell me. Quickly she raised the white bag to my face and I felt the blade of a knife to my neck. Instinctively I fell back as she cut. I fell to the ground as blood oozed from my wound. I couldn't talk and was fighting to stand. I felt my wound,it was cut but not deep i yelled to alert others and searched for a magazine because i was going after them.
Scary huh?
Yeah I didn't like it. Usually dreams like that mean something. thats what worries me.
Anyway nothing much else is going on I hope you all are well.
We leave ina week or so. Later than we were told. I was told it might have internet and phones which is very good. I like to have contact with my family.
I did have a horrible dream today. I was on a mision in a safe town. I drove a humvee and waited for my company. when they came another person drove. The road ahead was full of traffic. I got out to clear it so we could leave. Some garbage guys came and talked to me. One wanted to promote his business to the army. The other told the first guy to leave it alone. I told them i couldn't help them and they left. I was in the middle of the street stopping traffic in complete body armor. Four very hot girls walked by me but gave me a wierd look, being polite i stepped out of thier way. The last one was carrying a white plastic bag and broke off the group and came straight towards me. I knew this was wierd and stopped in place. I thought she had something to tell me. Quickly she raised the white bag to my face and I felt the blade of a knife to my neck. Instinctively I fell back as she cut. I fell to the ground as blood oozed from my wound. I couldn't talk and was fighting to stand. I felt my wound,it was cut but not deep i yelled to alert others and searched for a magazine because i was going after them.
Scary huh?
Yeah I didn't like it. Usually dreams like that mean something. thats what worries me.
Anyway nothing much else is going on I hope you all are well.
Definitely some scary stuff. Be careful out there. We both know there are no safe towns.
Oh no...That dream is so scary!
Good luck out there...Be safe...