As much to my belief the Deftones concert kicked ass! No, that statement alone cannot describe how kickass the show was... no words could describe how awesome the show was.
I left New Orleans alittle before midnight and made the three hour trip home safely...
I'm going back to the Big Easy this weekend "I see some gambling in my future."
When you drive in the dead of night in heavy fog reality feels like a dream state.
The less sleep I attain, the better I do at work.

I left New Orleans alittle before midnight and made the three hour trip home safely...
I'm going back to the Big Easy this weekend "I see some gambling in my future."
When you drive in the dead of night in heavy fog reality feels like a dream state.
The less sleep I attain, the better I do at work.

All I've been reading for a while has been Ultimate stuff.
I think I'm going to pick up the 1602 hardcover they just released, and also Ultimates Vol. 1 this weekend.