"That kid is back on the escalator!"
Ok this week has been one of lots of activity. I started school and have been jumping through hoops to learn my job. I also learned that a man needs seven hours of sleep a night to function correctly. I also learned that some ignorant ass people will remain as ignorant ass people through out their life.
Other than that I am very single and ready to put it to any chick that comes my way... and i will put it hella good for about 30 seconds... ADD is a bitch!
Im not desparate or nothing... just wanted to put that out there.
Ok this week has been one of lots of activity. I started school and have been jumping through hoops to learn my job. I also learned that a man needs seven hours of sleep a night to function correctly. I also learned that some ignorant ass people will remain as ignorant ass people through out their life.
Other than that I am very single and ready to put it to any chick that comes my way... and i will put it hella good for about 30 seconds... ADD is a bitch!
Im not desparate or nothing... just wanted to put that out there.

hey...whats up...what job are you learning....anyway i thought.......wow my room is really messy...ahh o well...what does Bamf! mean.....also i want to see the

Mmmmm Jalapeno poppers!