Countdown: 7 days (Thursday)
Well I went out drinking and partying tonight (it was college night and so i decided to go out and enjoy myself a bit and do alittle bird watching). For some reason all the ugly married women never make it out to college night... you know the kind... the ones who have a good man at home but tell them they are going out with the girls and dress so slutty they are practically wearing a sign around their necks that reads " Beggin for the cock"... they seriously need to stay home with that shit.
Countdown: 6 days (Friday)
Woke up late for work i drank to much yesturday. My roommates are completely self absorbed little twits didnt even think about waking me up... Pricks!
i didnt get to much crap for not showing up on time... i came clean and told them i went out and got drunk yesturday... were cool with it and just told me not to make a habit of it.
Countdown: 5 days (Saturday)
I have found that having roommates isnt always a great thing. Clean the apartment today. The trash was stacked to the point of over flow dishes stood like small leaning towers of glass waiting to fall over and fill the kitchen with small shards to cut your feet on. The bathroom filthy! No matter i will only be living with them for a few more weeks.
Countdown: 4 days (Sunday)
Well another Sunday gone went to dinner with my buddies family i was happy to see them again. They passed a picture album and told us stories of him... it was nice to see they were able to keep thier sense of humor through this ordeal.
Countdown: 3 days (Monday)
Well today I spoke at the memorial service her in Pensacola. My buddies family came down. The service was exceptional. I came pretty close to having some dirt in my eye... (but i didnt, that would have made me a pussy). I played with his little boy Ken... I want an asian woman to have my love child. This kid was beyond adorable (well aside from the drool on my uniform and his constant pulling at my ribbons... ok i liked the kid that much that it didnt matter).
I started checking out of my command today. Fixing last minute things... planning that kind of stuff.
Well aside from everything else im turning all my focus at getting my shit together for when im finally seperated... you guys leave soem words of encouragement or I'll be outside your house when your ass comes out!
Well I went out drinking and partying tonight (it was college night and so i decided to go out and enjoy myself a bit and do alittle bird watching). For some reason all the ugly married women never make it out to college night... you know the kind... the ones who have a good man at home but tell them they are going out with the girls and dress so slutty they are practically wearing a sign around their necks that reads " Beggin for the cock"... they seriously need to stay home with that shit.
Countdown: 6 days (Friday)
Woke up late for work i drank to much yesturday. My roommates are completely self absorbed little twits didnt even think about waking me up... Pricks!
i didnt get to much crap for not showing up on time... i came clean and told them i went out and got drunk yesturday... were cool with it and just told me not to make a habit of it.
Countdown: 5 days (Saturday)
I have found that having roommates isnt always a great thing. Clean the apartment today. The trash was stacked to the point of over flow dishes stood like small leaning towers of glass waiting to fall over and fill the kitchen with small shards to cut your feet on. The bathroom filthy! No matter i will only be living with them for a few more weeks.
Countdown: 4 days (Sunday)
Well another Sunday gone went to dinner with my buddies family i was happy to see them again. They passed a picture album and told us stories of him... it was nice to see they were able to keep thier sense of humor through this ordeal.
Countdown: 3 days (Monday)
Well today I spoke at the memorial service her in Pensacola. My buddies family came down. The service was exceptional. I came pretty close to having some dirt in my eye... (but i didnt, that would have made me a pussy). I played with his little boy Ken... I want an asian woman to have my love child. This kid was beyond adorable (well aside from the drool on my uniform and his constant pulling at my ribbons... ok i liked the kid that much that it didnt matter).
I started checking out of my command today. Fixing last minute things... planning that kind of stuff.
Well aside from everything else im turning all my focus at getting my shit together for when im finally seperated... you guys leave soem words of encouragement or I'll be outside your house when your ass comes out!

Go SerialX, Go!
How's that?