Ok so ive left alot of things behind in the last week... after talking to my counsler she assured me that I'm definetly taking some steps in the right direction.
No all that is left id for me to line up a good job once i get out and go to school.
Well i have no need to worry cause i know Karma always come around in one form or the next... for my resent ex its already starting to hit her... and when im bad i know Karma will come for me too... its one of those things you cant avoid.
Someone is missing from my buddy list... i cant figure out who... i will anywho ive decided that maybe me staying here for a while is the best thing i can do for myself.
Nope... still no sex life. No worries though whenever it rains it pours... (double meaning... maybe.)
Other than that im going to Panama City this weekend to bid one of my Marine buddies a (proper) farewell. You know the kind you wake up to and dont rememer what the going away was like.
Ok got laundry to put away...
1)Whats one thing you regret wearing when it was a fad?
Mine bicycle shorts... i was in first grade i didnt know what i was doing.
2) Favorite comic book hero?
Wolverine... wore yellow tight and is still a badass.
3)Favorite set...
Hehehe i dont pick favorites i love them all.

No all that is left id for me to line up a good job once i get out and go to school.
Well i have no need to worry cause i know Karma always come around in one form or the next... for my resent ex its already starting to hit her... and when im bad i know Karma will come for me too... its one of those things you cant avoid.
Someone is missing from my buddy list... i cant figure out who... i will anywho ive decided that maybe me staying here for a while is the best thing i can do for myself.
Nope... still no sex life. No worries though whenever it rains it pours... (double meaning... maybe.)
Other than that im going to Panama City this weekend to bid one of my Marine buddies a (proper) farewell. You know the kind you wake up to and dont rememer what the going away was like.
Ok got laundry to put away...
1)Whats one thing you regret wearing when it was a fad?
Mine bicycle shorts... i was in first grade i didnt know what i was doing.
2) Favorite comic book hero?
Wolverine... wore yellow tight and is still a badass.
3)Favorite set...
Hehehe i dont pick favorites i love them all.

Hmmm....wait until you see the bad pics of me in glasses tomorrow before you say they are hot.

hmmm, you know what, I really don't know it it works any better than the regular Mach 3 Turbo or not....it still does a great job, I suppose it maybe gets a bit closer shave on my armpits....I'd say either razor will do just fine.